Chapter 310: Family Units

Does your mother ever speak to you or is she still mad that you didn't want to be a warrior conqueror."

"Our family units are different from humans'. We do not live with parents like you do. After our first change, our training starts."

"First change?"

"Zyrgins go through three changes after we are born. We are fully grown within five years."

"Five years, so you're never children?" That would take some adapting to if they ever had children.

"No, we are born with the knowledge of our ancestors and, during our lifetimes, we build on that."

"And Zyrgin women don't mind that their children are never babies they can cuddle. It must be sad for them." Add the way the women seemed to be second class citizens and she thanked her lucky stars she wasn't living on their planet.

"There are no Zyrgin women. For many generations no women have been born. We take our women from the conquered worlds."