Chapter 313: We Call Ourselves Zyrgins

"I will find out," the alien said, and it was a threat. He pointed to the cheese squashed into the ground when he fell. It lay inside the sizable dent his body had made on the floor of the pit when he fell in. "Why was there cheese on one of the sticks?"

"It was to lure you into the hole you evil...Satan." It had been a huge sacrifice. Her food stores were depleted, and the soil wasn't yielding anything anymore.

"You think we Satans eat cheese?" The evil pest dared to mock her after everything he'd cost her.

"It worked, didn't it? You're trapped in the hole like a rat in a trap."

He moved, as if he would get up and break through the iron grid. "Do not ever again call me a rat."

Keeping a wary eye on him, she smirked. It was heady to have the upper hand for a change. "I will call you whatever I want. You're my prisoner, and you can't stop me, rat." She leaned clos-er. "Rat, double rat."