Chapter 316: TC-Monitoring

Azagor rubbed a finger over his ridge while he looked up at Susannah. She smoothed her braid hanging over her shoulder and settled in like someone waiting to be entertained.

He cocked his head. "Why are you so sure a TC cannot be monitored? It is very possible. We can also make recordings of resistance conversations."


He never thought he'd be unable to explain anything about either human or Zyrgin equipment. He'd also never thought to meet someone who had no knowledge of technology. "It is the same as watching a TC program. We record the conversation and put it on a device almost like a TC. Then we can watch it again."

Now she laughed in his face. "And how do you manage that? With magic? Don't think because you came here in a space ship and know about TCs, that you can tell me tall tales," she scorned.