Chapter 322: Beady Little Eyes

He'd used that term before, but she'd been too worried about Killer to pay attention. Susannah moaned and crumpled to the floor, fear threatening to rattle her bones apart. Breeder. She grew up on a farm and knew exactly what he meant by that. What did she ever do wrong? Was she such a sinner that first Caine had been taken from her and then Noah and now this...this thing wanted to turn her into nothing more than a farm animal.

He pulled her until they both sat against the wall, she in his left arm and Killer held in his right hand, her braid still wrapped around the wrist resting on her shoulder. "Find your courage, my breeder. This fear and shaking does not reflect well on you."

She looked up at him, and his face was distorted. She could barely see him. It was only when she felt something tickle over her cheeks that she realized she was crying. Angrily, she wiped away the tears and lifted her chin.