Chapter 325: Viglar

"What do you want?" Viglar demanded. "I'm busy."

In the background, Azagor heard children laughing and talking. Viglar had to be either at the hospital or one of the orphanages that Margaret, Larz's breeder sponsored.

"I need you to come and give me a fever."

Silence and then Viglar laughed and laughed. At last, he quieted and said, "You want to impress your human by becoming sick?"


"I have claimed my breeder. I can give you advice. Acting weak and sick will not impress her."

"I watched one of Natalie's movies. The one that makes her cry happy tears."

"You want your breeder to cry happy tears."

Azagor sighed. "No, I want her to think I have a fever. Then she will sponge me down with a cold cloth to bring down the fever. She will see my naked warrior body, and after only seeing weak human males, she will want to do kissing and many other things with me," he explained carefully.