Chapter 329: Out of Wedlock

Tears streamed down her cheeks. Sorrow darkened her eyes even more. "I can't, I would give anything to know where they are. Anything." She pummeled his chest, but it was half-hearted, showing pain and frustration more than a wish to hurt him. "You can't leave. I have to give you to the resistance." There was a kind of desperation in her eyes he'd never seen in a human before. "I have to."

"Tell me why you have to give me to the resistance. Why are you this desperate?"

She sagged in his hold. "They have Noah."

He'd suspected something like this, but had thought maybe it was this Caine that went with the resistance. "Who is Noah?"

She stiffened and stared fixedly at his chest. "He's - he's my brother," she whispered at last. "He's still a baby." She held something back from him and in time she would trust him enough to tell him everything.