Then she was in big trouble. Many of her punishments had been because of speaking out of turn. He stroked the delicate veins in her wrists, over the inside of her forearm. Goosebumps broke out over her whole body when he touched the sensitive flesh on the inside of her elbow. He really had strange rituals. At least he only seemed intent on stroking her and not hurting her.
He moved on to her shoulders, cupping them in his hands, and then slowly stroked his thumbs over both her collar bone. A strange tingly feeling started low in her stomach.
Slowly, gently, he opened the buttons running down the front of her dress. His thumbs were warm and stroked the delicate skin between her shoulders. She felt strangely restless, she wanted to press her legs together and twist her hips. This was different, wrong. Why didn't he lift her dress and put himself inside her? She was determined to endure it without flinching, even if he hurt when he came inside her with his huge privates.