Chapter 346: I Have to Put Noah First

Susannah stared up at him and her heart broke. Please don't make me have to choose between Noah and my warrior. Surely after everything, she wouldn't be forced to choose between her baby and the man who was winning more of her heart each day. Maybe this was her punishment for lusting after an alien, for having relations with Caine. She pushed those thoughts aside. She would not be ruled by Joseph's narrow views.

He cupped her shoulders, drew her toward him. "Kiss me, breeder, show me what you are willing to do to convince me to bring another male into my dwelling." Gone was the tenderness he'd shown her from the beginning. Now suddenly it was his dwelling. And yet she thought there was pain beneath his savage words. The same pain that shredded her heart.

"Will you kiss me with tongue?" He pulled her up, held the back of her head in his large hand, his fingers lost in her hair and kissed her, an open-mouthed forceful, terrible kiss.