Chapter 390: Ultimate Sacrifice

Keeping a careful eye on him, she sat up. She was too vulnerable lying down on the pelts. Sarah stretched out her hand. "Please, Zaar, I'd never choose those criminals over you. I hate and despise them, but I just can't bear such suffering." She put a hesitant hand on his arm. His muscles bunched beneath her touch, as if he prepared to throw her off. "Please let them die." She'd seen the pleas for the release of death in their eyes. They'd known they would never be free again.

If anyone had told her she'd ever feel sorry for her captors, she'd have laughed in their faces.

"You would show mercy toward those that have hurt you? It is not the Zyrgin way."

Sarah leaned forward and put her free hand on his chest. "I know it's not the Zyrgin way. But I'm not a warrior - I can't bear such cruelty.

He touched her hair, loosened her braid. "You are too soft, my breeder."