Chapter 406: Confrontation

Sarah was about to tease him a little when the guards in front of them crashed open two big elaborately gilded doors. They didn't merely open them, they smashed them to pieces, the sound of breaking wood and steel reverberating around them.

Sarah had to give it to the Zyrgins - they knew how to make an entrance that intimidated the heck out of their enemies. Zaar stalked forward, Sarah by his side, and behind them row upon row of warrior stamped their feet as they walked until the sound dominated the room.

On the other side of the room, Coralinda and Cornelius sat chained to two horrendously ugly thrones. Coralinda flinched every time the warriors' boots struck the floor. If anyone had asked Sarah if a gold and bejewelled throne could be ugly, she would've said no. But these monstrosities were so gaudily done, it was downright ugly.