Chapter 409: She Offered Herself

His serious tone scared her. Her head jerked up and her gazed clashed with swirling red. "Why do we have to talk about him? Is there something wrong with my baby? You said he was all right."

Zaar cupped the back of her head and held her against him. As if he was afraid she'd walk off during this discussion he wanted. "Zyrgins are born small warriors. They can walk and talk and are born with knowledge of the Zyrgin people. It is important that you understand this."

"Why?" She'd never heard him sound this disturbed. Could it be that he'd changed his mind, that he didn't want children with a wife that couldn't even make love like a normal woman? She pushed the self-doubt away. He had never given her cause to doubt him; sometimes she even thought that he might love her.

"You will not be disappointed if you understand that you will give birth to a small warrior and not a human baby."