Chapter 12: A Heist

The dining hall of the Lesnoy Terem is just as grand as the lobby. There are many seats set in line. To my surprise I see white cloth covering the table surfaces. 'I have not seen this etiquette in other towns.' There are some folks eating their meals. The food smells delicious!

We take a table far removed from others. Having a place to lay my heavy bag is a relief. I would be irritated to deal with another's complaints regarding the space removed from my belongings. Once seated, a server approaches with glasses and a water pitcher.

"Sasibo," Skrytvor nods. "Butylku vina pozhaluysta."

Beneath the table, I tap my knee. In this setting, I feel out of place. 'Here's a lone rogue amongst a host of... nobles.' I take a sip of water. To my surprise, it bubbles! I place the glass down. I watch as the server leaves towards a removed kitchen. With a confused glance, I point towards the 'water.'