Chapter 34: A Stolen Map

Luck appears to be on my side. In my hand is a map of Middangeard! I chuckle lightly in disbelief. Carefully, I glance over at the map. I can see the details of forests and rivers. Towards the west lies the Fjall Mountains. 'That must be where the Sindre disappeared to from the tale.' I shake my head as I decide that's not the path I wish to make. Suddenly, a name beckons my attention.

"Ja-lo-ki-vi," I read out loud while pronouncing each syllable.

The word does not seem to be in Sindre, but what language does it pertain to? With a newfound curiosity, I eagerly place the map back on my person. Enough time has passed for my clothes to dry. 'Good, this way I won't damage the map!' I think with excitement.

A map is only as useful as its legibility.

I stand and glance around. One in travel requires more supplies at hand. My gaze turns towards the wooden crate Fiskarinn keeps for his fishing needs. I walk through the sand and stop at the box. A frown crosses my lips.