Chapter 47: Not All that Glitters

A heavy sigh breaks the silence. The Mystiikka's yellow eyes glimmer in the candlelight. Jarkeva continues to study me as though to see if I stand firm in my inquiry. 'Of course I want to know if a Teufel could be released from Pandemonium. Besides, the Fire King sought after the same question.' As my thoughts cross, I can feel an underlying sensation of irritation.

"Se oli vain hypoteettinen kysymys." I attempt to deflect the question.

"En usko sinua," he replies with his head tilted to the side. His eyes narrow. "Oletko tehnyt sopimuksen?"

His inquiry leaves me befuddled. 'A pact, what is he referring to?' Jarkeva regards me with a skeptical gaze. He sighs then proceeds to bring two small stools from behind a corner. As the stools are set, the Mystikka motions me to take a seat. My heart grows unsteady as a child waiting to be scolded by their parents.

"Oletko nahnyt outoja unia?" Jarkeva inquires in a calm demeanor.