Chapter 31: Stowaway

Balthazar left them in the infirmary and went to his office. Tonight when they did conversation, he had something interesting to tell Aurora. But should he tell her? He might still decide to kill the Tunrian, even if Amelagar found no proof she'd given out their location. He wanted to kill the Tunrian anyway. He was not a slave anymore. He did not have to endure her presence. He rubbed the back of his neck. He didn't know what to do with their stowaway.

After he became self-aware, it had taken him a long time to make decisions. Souled people, the Tunrians and humans, took their ability to make decisions for granted - what they wanted to eat and wear and do in their leisure time. Balthazar looked down at his uniform, the same uniform he'd always worn. He'd never had a choice in what he ate or wore and didn't have free time before. It was only when Aurora asked him about his uniform that he realized he'd simply continued to wear what they were previously given.