Chapter 39: Humans die

"That's right, what's the lifespan of cloned Tunrians?"

"Six hundred years, per cloning, clones have copied themselves and existed for thousands of years," he said, not trying to evade her questions like he usually did when she asked about his home planet.

"Wow, that's impressive."

"You cannot die," he said.

If she didn't know better, she'd have thought he sounded scared.

She cupped his cheek again. "That's just the way of life. People get born, grow up, grow old, and die. We have learned to accept it." In spite of her brave words, the thought of dying scared her. What if she passed on without ever seeing Ter again? With the memory of destroying Balthazar?

His grip on her tightened. "I will never accept it. As long as I live, you will be with me."

"We can talk about that another day. Do you realize we've been together six months?"

"Six months, two days, twenty-three hours, two minutes, and fifteen seconds," he said.