They walked to the mess hall in silence, and still she had that sense that he was puzzled. Did he expect her to be the same as when she was human? They sat down in their usual spot, at the end of one of the long tables closest to the entrance. Marysol waved at her from the kitchen, and pretending to feel emotions, Aurora waved back.
She politely greeted the other tinners and looked down at her food. She had no appetite. She'd never eaten much, couldn't when she didn't know if Ter had to go to bed hungry. But at least, she'd tasted the little she ate. Shouldn't she automatically eat food and do the logical thing without worrying about the fact that she couldn't taste anything? Or was it because she used to be a human that she now still missed the taste of food?
"You are cold?" Balthazar said. He shrugged off his uniform jacket and placed it around her. "You should have worn warmer clothes."