"What am I supposed to do now? I should've paid more attention that time he allowed me in here," she muttered and passed her hands over the symbols on the walls. Nothing. "Maybe the doctor will be able to help him, if I haven't frozen everybody on board," she muttered while she pressed more buttons. She kept her eyes on the wall, couldn't bear to see Balthazar standing like a statue, his eyes open but empty. She turned to look at the door. There had to be a way to force it to open.
Her blood literally froze in her veins. She could feel it thicken and stop while white noise stole her hearing. Balthazar's eyes followed her. Slightly narrowed, he stared at her. His eyes blazed with pure hatred.
"It didn't work," she whispered.
One of his fingers twitched. All the while his gaze promised death. He was throwing off the code bit by bit.