The lunch with the many humans seemed endless although it only measured several hours. She didn't know what to make of the proceedings. Everyone stared at her, but no one tried to talk to her. The very old grandmother next to John had told her to stop staring and then refused to speak to her.
"Be polite to my bride," John murmured, but the old human only made a rude sound in her nose.
A human stood up and tapped his glass with a knife. His head showed through his hair unlike John's which was thick. She preferred John's. "We all know that John is a tough son of a gun."
She searched "sun of a gun." From the definitions she found; she wasn't sure if that was an insult or not. But it sounded like one to her.
Polite laughter followed. Anatu started to stand to put the human in his place, but her human grabbed her arm. She glared at the man who'd dared insult her husband.