John woke her before the sun was up with soft kisses and warm caresses. "You came back," she murmured, sighing with pleasure that he'd slept next to her. His hand swept down her side to cup her buttock, and she stretched luxuriously, moving against his hand. "That feels so good."
He smiled and kneaded the flesh she'd always thought was only to sit on. Who knew it could feel so good when your human touched it? Maybe living like a decadent clone wasn't so bad. "I like waking like this," she told him.
He smiled his good smile, the one that was about pleasure and not about manipulation.
"You do?"
"Yes, I like it better than Amukkan's food, better than escaping the clones, almost better than milk, better - "
"I am going to have to change your mind. I'm definitely better than milk."
"Suck on me again, my human." She wouldn't tell him and inflate his opinion of himself, but his making sex was better than milk.