Anatu stood stock-still. He thought he saw her tremble before she lifted her head high.
She took another step back. "You will not shake me, and you will not tell me how many hours I do my job or call me stupid. I am free, I have inside thoughts, and I am a person."
Inside thoughts? He gave her a lopsided smile. The one he only used on women. It once even got him out of trouble with his temperamental, diva, Russian grandmother, and that woman didn't have a forgiving bone in her body. "You're right, Anatu. I apologize. I was worried about you." He took a step toward her and cupped her cheek. "I would never call you stupid. You are the most intelligent woman I know."
She didn't look like she believed him, but she didn't try to evade his touch. "You poisoned me, and you didn't say sorry." She glowered at him. "I have to punish you, but I would rather be discontinued than whip you." She sounded so adorably sulky that it took him a moment to grasp the import of her words.