Anatu had been tired before, had been worked like the slave she used to be. But she found that working toward a cause, working to save those she cared for, made her work even harder. For a month now, she'd worked to train humans to program and repair the ship. She did it every morning for five hours. Afterward, she'd work on the ship, searching for any breaches from the clones. When she was done with that, she went down to Earth, to the underground facilities, to help program the ships they were building.
At ten that night, she went home, so tired she wanted to shut down for a year. In a few days, they'd be leaving the White House. She was going to miss their quarters, but John promised the new place would have a large stock of milk and a waiter that would deliver milkshakes and ice cream to them.
She found John in his office in front of his computer, the blue glow from the screen making him look eerie.