Spiritual Structure

The room becomes silent after Onyx, one of the researcher, said this. They were so hung up on learning about Seven that they had actually forgotten this huge problem.

"Err... Let's just take a look at his condition, for now, the device can be improved later" Ruby, Onyx's twin, chanted in order to lessen the mood.

At the same time, Maddox who went to his laboratory earlier came back pushing a measuring device that was different from what they often used.

The one he has were much more sophisticated, the shape and size of it tell them that this was made for a child, to be specific, it was made entirely for Seven. If people don't believe this fact, then they only need to see the huge number '7' printed on it.

"Dr... Dr. Maddox did you make this one" a bunch of 'what' could be heard from the researchers. Dr. Maddox just meet Seven yesterday but he was able to improve the measuring device tailor-made for Seven.

"of course, I made this, so you think I would use this low-grade machine, only the best equipment can be used for Seven," he said and place the device in the middle, while he was busy preparing, the researchers wanted to faint.

'The device that famous researchers spend their lives creating and perfecting was called low-grade machine'

'This is the empire's first-class high-functioning equipment you know!'

"come here Seven, I made this just for you, next time we get your examination you can just go directly to me" Seven then changed his clothes from sleepwear to white trousers, his upper body was bare, and he looked at Maddox and reluctantly entered the pod. The moment he step in, the door closed and a mist was shot out inside causing him to feel sleepy.

He tried to fight it back but heard that this was a normal procedure. He relaxes and lets his consciousness drift by.

Minutes later, a bluish substance filled the pod, Seven who was inside was floating peacefully. This substance was something he created when he was looking for a solution that can heal mental power damage. The result was something different since this fluid can interact with mental power freely and cells of the body without harming it.

On the screen beside the machine, it showed an accurate description of his body.

Maddox pressed a button and different functions showed, he chose mental structure and they saw a gorgeous formation of Seven's mental power. This was his spiritual structure that was strengthened when he was reborn in this world.

This was new even to their eyes. The device they used doesn't have this function, at most, it can measure important data but not to this extent.

Seeing this everyone was once again amazed by Maddox's creativity. Now they can understand why he called the device low level.

"What is this" Cross pointed to the structure.

"This is a spiritual formation, the very base of an individual's mental power, to put it simply it's the soul." when he said the word soul their faces contorted, this topic was ridiculed by many because there wasn't any scientific explanation to back this phenomenon.

"During my days studying in the academy, there was an old book displayed in the library, the school gave them to me when I ask for the journal, saying it was pointless believing in a madman like Dr. Melton. It turns out Dr. Melton owns it, his study related to the soul and spiritual structures was written there but his research wasn't accepted and so this information wasn't taken care of. Not even a digital copy was left. Some data were erased and it took me years to fully understand his study. Many people disdain his idea but I thought it was plausible and now look, that very research is in front of us, this only proves that Melton wasn't crazy and is the greatest scientist there is. Too bad he couldn't live up to this day to see it." he said, his voice full of praise and respect.

Out of all the scientists there are, Dr. Melton was the first one he respected. His work was all something that would leave a mark on the empire and he wanted to do the same.

They were innovative and new, not something people can just think of, maybe people did think of it but were afraid of failure, but Dr. Melton wasn't like that, for him, failure has always been part of attaining success.

'If this path is blocked then create a new one.' Maddox thought and smile.

But not everyone was happy about his achievements, they would sing praises in front of him but the moment they turned their backs, all those smiles changed to disdain.

That was why, when Melton proposed the idea of the soul being the bases of mental power, an existence that shapes the human body, everyone was excited. Sadly, Melton couldn't prove this point and those people immediately say he was crazy. Melton didn't stop his research despite what people said, he continued his study alone and recorded them using an ancient way of preserving data, through writing and printing. He compiled this book and was just about to make a breakthrough, unfortunately, he died of mental disintegration.

But a tangible proof was in front of them, it was even more beautiful than they could imagine. If Dr. Melton was here, he would be the happiest.

"Dr. Maddox, how were you able to create this? I know there was a theory about it on Dr. Melton, but didn't you just make it yesterday."

They knew he was a genius, but isn't this feat too much, creating a device that could show this result in just one night?

" It was all thanks to them that this thing was made this easily, Dr. Melton already completed this prototype I only need to follow it, the only problem was we were lacking a sample, that's when Seven came up when his mental power destroy the equipment it left a residue that forms a pattern."

When he saw this, Maddox immediately took it for sequencing, and just as he thought, the structural formation was similar to the residue that Seven left. Feeling excited he created a pod for himself to try and inputted the sequence, and there he saw his spiritual structure. Thinking that the pod needed improvements he tinker with the design and greatly improved them, he didn't sleep for a whole night and customized a pod, especially for Seven.

"In reality, Seven didn't need any equipment to show this spiritual structure, because he can show it to everyone with his mental power that surpasses 3S. However, others are way too far from this realm that's why this device is needed to show this result," he admitted and showed his result, the researchers immediately crowded on his side watching his spiritual structure. He showed a different pattern and he had damage on some parts.

"Maybe through this, we can get more study material on mental power damage and easily differentiate S-class personnel from one another. Dr. you're so awesome" a young researcher said but Maddox just shakes his head, he didn't take credit for this achievement, because he knew if not for Dr. Melton paving the way and Steven's mental power, it will be difficult to create this pod.

"Can this be used mass produce?" Cross immediately ask, he was excited to have this installed in their army. He was sure that they would be the first to use this, after all, Maddox was part of the 2nd army.

As for why a genius like him was staying here in the army, it was due to Cross' dual ability particularly his ice element that had somehow mutated, this attracted Maddox's attention, and wanted to study it for himself. General Cross was more than happy to comply as long as he belong to the 2nd army.

"yes it can, I'll live this task to my team," he said and continued observing Seven.

"Dr. Maddox you're not planning to supervise this project," they ask him. They were more than willing to do this research but of course, they couldn't simply take over.

"nonsense who would want to work on that when theirs a much more interesting person here... Now go you'll ruin my time with Seven" he scoffed and didn't bother looking at them. He had already explained everything now it was time to focus on more important things.

'Dr. Maddox if Seven knew you're like this every time he'll probably stop seeing you' they silently thought