The sound of your heart

Seven opened his eyes and found in an unfamiliar room. The walls were painted white and the floors were black, it was shiny that you could even see your reflection on it. It wasn't huge but the place was well furnished and sitting in the middle was a grand piano. A man was playing the piano.

The key hum a soft melody, lulling himself to relax and just listen to the melodies. After the song ended, he looked at the person playing and wanted to thank him. His troubled heart felt much better after listening to the song.

But before he could approach the world suddenly distorted, the man mouthed something. Before darkness took over completely.

The time struck at 12 noon and the smart robot rang the alarm. Seven was awaken by the noise. He jolted up realizing he actually fell asleep, but for some reason his mind and heart was clearer. He checked his terminal and noticed Cross had send him a message reminding him to eat, he and Maddox would be back at night.

He took a deep breath and came downstairs, food was already prepared, he ate his lunch and was planning to go back to his room when he saw the grand piano, shining like never before. He straightened up and recall his dreams, he didn't remember the man but his words were engraved in his heart.

"if you feel like words weren't enough to express your feelings, use the sound of your heart to convey the meaning." this word were echoing in his mind. It was quite similar to what Ares had told him when he was young.

Seven wasn't particularly expressive due to the fact that they had been trained to be heartless killers. Though Seven didn't end up being a psychopath who would mindlessly take lives, most of his emotions were underdeveloped. He had high IQ, was very talented but lacks emotional quotient.

He had asked Ares how he was able to learn what he was thinking just by listening to his song when he played the instruments or when he was singing.

I He then answer back saying "you might be unfeeling and often had that poker face plaster on, however when you play with music you become the most expressive person in the room. The melodies you produce were full of life and had the purest rhythm. The deep emotion buried inside can be heard and the sound of your heart tells me that right now you are feeling sad" Ares would then pat his head and he could only tell him the reason for it.

He didn't exactly knew what he meant at first but then remembered the first time he heard him singing. People sometimes had hard time channeling their emotions in words and so they used other medium to express the hidden desire that they couldn't explain.

He stared at his hands then to the piano. He hadn't played one in such a long time. To be honest he wasn't entirely confident that he could still play instruments and sing a song. Only Ares knew his love for music and has been the only person to listen to him. He believes that he wouldn't lie about him, but knowing that his gone his starting to doubt his talent..

He was in deep thought when all of a sudden his terminal ring, indicating that someone is calling him. He put on a half mask that covered his eyes to his nose and answered it without looking at who it was. He immediately regretted it. The man in front of him was none other than Magus. The very first person in this world to make him feel insecure about his ability.

He didn't even pretend to be nice and said bored "What", Magus didn't mind his attitude, he was used to it. In fact he was more happier to see that this kid didn't treat him nicely just because of his family background, though he did wonder what made Seven dislike him so much.

"I heard there was an explosion at Dr. Maddox house are you guys OK?" he asked, worried was written all over his face. Seven once again felt sad upon hearing the accident. He didn't answer but just nodded tiredly.

"you seem upset, did you had a fight with the doctor" Magus think it was impossible for the two to fight but the again only Maddox can stir his emotions and make him sad. He saw Seven nod and was surprised.

" was it related to the explosion last night... If you want I can listen, you can think of me as your elder brother" he got a cold glare after saying those last few words, still Seven did talk to him.

"last night was my fault, I accidentally had a breakthrough but the reason it happened so suddenly was because I tried to experiment on my own, I didn't tell Teacher and Marshall about it and they were angry at me" he explained the event last night and today's breakfast but didn't get in depth about other stuff, just an overview of what happened.

"Seven you might have misunderstood them, they weren't angry, they were scared that something might happen to you. That's what family is about" Magus directly told him his understanding about the situation.

"but... Where not blood related, how can you call it a family" he whispered but Magus heard his sentiment and the sadness in his voice.

"Little Seven, family doesn't entirely revolve around blood connection, sometimes you just love someone and realize you wants them to be part of your life."

"is it okay for me to be part of their family? Will they still accept me now?" Seven had so many questions yet was scared to know the answer.

"how about you Seven, are you willing to accept them? Wait let me ask you another question, are you willing to leave their side?" He didn't answer his question but ask him instead, because he knew the Maddox and Cross had already plan to take him in, only Seven was having doubts.

He didn't answer, he knew to himself that he couldn't leave, he didn't have the guts too, if this was before maybe he can but not now that he finally got attached.

He looked up and stare at Magus, he smile and said"thank you Magus, I understand now.... If you have something you need help with, if I can do it I surely help " he sincerely thank him. Maybe in the back of his mind, he was already willing, he just need someone to make it clear for him.

Magus was shock to see him smile, Seven even said thank you to him. "there's no need to thank me, but if you insist then can you accept me as your friend" he ask seriously.

Seven look at his face, he sigh and thought Eros was Eros, while Magus was Magus, even with the similarities they shared they are not the same person so he should take his anger on some else.

"OK then let be friends" he agreed, they talk for a bit before saying goodbye. He then went to the kitchen and prepared the necessary ingredients he needed. He was planning to surprise the two and sincerely ask for an apology. Secondly he was going to answer Cross questions and admit that he was willing to accept.

After he finished baking he didn't forget to send an insulation box to Magus. He set the address to the first army and ask the smart robot to send him one. He sent a message to three people, first to Magus, thanking him for his advice and told him to receive the cookies he made. The two were invitations card, which he had been given to Cross and Maddox. He continued cooking their dinner and waited for night to come.

Maddox look at his terminal when he saw it rang, he was currently at the 1st army, they were having a negotiation about the latest project, the infuser which he and Seven work together. He sigh thinking about the kid, he just suddenly walked out and reacted so harshly, he was afraid that Seven would hate him for being meddlesome. Cross even told him about the adoption.

He checked the email and saw it was from Seven and immediately opened them. It was a holographic envelope. On the front, an audio spectrum was printed, he scanned it to listen to what it was about. He was expecting a voice but didn't expect to hear an instrumental music from a piano. No one in this empire would be so bored just to make song for an invitation.

He closed his eyes and listened to the uplifting song. The melody was beautiful and inviting. Whoever listened will feel delighted and energized. It was only for a bit but he could feel that the person playing the piano had great talent. He opened the envelope and read the words written.

"You are invited to Seven's first ever mini concert! We are hoping for your attendance" the message was simple and short but it made him tear up. He then received a call from Cross.

"well you go?"

"of course I'll go, only an idiot wouldn't"