Army reformation

Cross contacted the two, the hologram popped up and he saw the two pacing back and forth carrying bottles as they go. Maddox's A.I. answered the call seeing it was Cross however the two weren't aware of it. They were on an important part of the experiment and had no time to mind their surroundings.

Cross just let it be and ride his mecha and headed back to the school. The two didn't go home, it was already midnight and they were still buried in research.

Maddox finally notices him, and they look at each other, both looking stressed out. Cross removed his coat, loosened his necktie, and unfastened the first two buttons. Maddox glanced at him up and down, his stare wanting to say 'seriously'.

Cross smiled at him lovingly and said "I'll be there in 10 minutes, wait for me" his voice was sweet and alluring, honestly if this was any other day, Maddox would be seduced.

"ok" he answered and continue doing his work. Cross didn't drop the call and continued watching the two until he reached the parking lot, just in front of the medical bay.

He put his mecha on standby and went out. The sky was already dark and the only light illuminating his way was the post lamps along the pavements. He entered the medical by with hundreds of lights fitted on the ceiling and walls. Doctors and students alike were pacing in a hurried manner, not wasting any second. He asked one of the staff to point out where Maddox was and was guided by one of the doctors assisting him.

He followed the doctor and they went to the laboratory room and saw them mixing two bottles of substance. It turned ocean blue and was emitting a strong smell. He waited on the side and didn't disturb anyone.

"it's time to go home," he said when the two finished their work.

"Why didn't you tell us you're here" Maddox was shocked to see him sitting down peacefully on the couch. He hug him tight, he could feel the heat from his body warming his slightly cold one.

"Good evening Father!" Seven welcome him as he rub his eyes, he didn't know how many hours had they pulled just to finish the first part of the procedure.

"that's a good morning for you Seven" he corrected and ruffle his hair. He helped the two arrange their things, they left the place after Maddox instructed them what's the next step.

"it's already this late?" or should he say it was early? Taking a look at his terminal, the time had been reset once again to one. He checked his message box, and Magus's name appeared.

His last message was 'let us meet next time.

As soon as they arrive, Cross and Seven prepare an early breakfast. It wasn't anything grand, just a simple meal of eggs, bacon, a burger steak, and toasted bread. Maddox prepared the drinks, it was a coffee for the two and a fruit shake for Seven.

The three were sitting at the dining table, they hadn't eaten lunch or dinner yesterday due to the accident. The food was scrumptious and warm, the smell permeates their nose, it was the usual meal that they always have yet they couldn't enjoy every bit of it. Maybe because they knew about the pending danger that was about to break out.

Cross knew what they were thinking and so he admitted what they were planning. He didn't say all that has been discussed but it was enough for the two to understand.

"the empire is going to be on lockdown, later will start the reformation in the army.....we might have to prepare for a battle soon" he honestly said.

The two nodded, and the mood become more grieving.

Seven thought about Magus' last message, that 'next time' might take months.


Magus could only send those messages after his father ordered him to go back to the army. He felt the seriousness in his voice and rapidly went there. The same thing happened to his friends. Page went with his brother Preais, Maverick with his uncle Maxwell and Cairus was taken by his grandfather.

The moment he arrived, what he saw was a gruesome scene of the after-effects of a battle. No one died but a lot were injured just by restraining soldiers. Doctors and Soldiers alike pace back and forth.

"Reporting to Lieutenant Colonel, the Marshall had told us to guide you for a checkup" a man came up to him and put on a limiter on his wrist. The man was a doctor from the academy, he was with Maddox earlier but they were ordered to perform vital scanning and had to leave first.

Before the reformation started the first to be checked were the doctors and medical staff since they will be the ones administrating the examination. Afterward, they perform the test on the Marshall who was all present during their examination.

'Army reformation' was all he could think of. The situation seems to be more serious than he thought.

He removed his terminal and sent his last message to Seven, he won't be able to use this one for the time being and will be given a military prescribed terminal, this was done to monitor the military, they could only communicate to their family using the army landline in which every message was recorded.

They can't also contact other soldiers from a different branch, this was to prevent the leak of any information. Only the Marshall can communicate with another military fleet.

He didn't struggle and followed the procedure. Once a reformation was there is no stopping it, even he who was part of the royal family can't be exempted.

As he walked towards the medical clinic, he saw soldiers getting handcuffed, some were lying on the ground, and there was a sign of struggle looking at their clothes.

He entered the laboratory and was asked to take his all weapons on his body and other metallic items. He then changes his clothes. He stepped inside the medical cabin and closed his eyes as he felt the substance taking all the remaining space inside. Seconds later his body was submerged completely.


After hearing the news, the citizens could no longer relax. They had immediately contacted their families who were outside the planet and were taking a vacation. Once they learned what had happened, they already packed their bags and book the earliest shuttle.

All the transportation was jump pack with returners, as soon as they came out of the shuttle, the soldiers had to examine them before they could enter the empire, their identity was double-checked by the National Gene Certification, where all the citizens' information from birth were recorded.

They were still in bliss from their vacation so they felt uncomfortable seeing how the empire suddenly turn this way.

Two days passed and the board of directors of the academy had finished their proposal and was currently waiting for the emperor to approve their papers. They were all seated inside the assembly room, gazing intently at the center.

The hologram was fitted in the center and is a direct communicating device with the emperor. When the color changed to red, they all relax their backs, and the emperor had agreed to their proposals. They contacted the teachers and implemented the new rules.

In the Imperial Academy, parents and students were called to discuss what necessary changes the school had to do. Some of these parents were from the military, the association, and aristocrats. They already knew about the reformation and were just waiting for the schools to finalize their preparations.

Maddox and Seven also attended the meeting and are sitting in front. Beside them were parents from other high schools and elementary branches. Only the college course was absent as they were already notified beforehand.

The students receive an important announcement, starting today the college course will start their internship. The military and the medical department were already assigned to their respective branch as they speak.

The elementary education will no longer need to go to school, instead, the school had created a virtual classroom for them, they can only use the virtual network during classes and when it's finished, they will immediately be disconnected from the virtual network as to not break the law.

The high school branch was changed to a boarding class. As it was important to set their foundations at their age, the school decided to focus on them more and created a boarding house for the students.

A special student like Seven was permitted to not attend the boarding class as he was participating in the military.

This announcement will take effect starting today. Parents understand the schools' decisions, but they are still worried about the high school branch. An accident just happened so they had to assure the guardians that their children wouldn't be in danger.

The school director didn't say anything, instead, he press the communicator. Everyone gasped but hurriedly fixed their posture in front of the emperor and greeted him.

The emperor straightforwardly explained why this was implemented, and as they listen they couldn't help but worry.

"I know everyone is worried, but the empire had already prepared for the worse and is currently having a reformation. Once the examinations are done, the citizens would undergo the same test. The high school branch is in a delicate time to learn, we can't just halfheartedly leave their education now that we are in a precarious situation, they will be the empire's next generation of protectors, after the war."

War would take many lives, it wasn't something they could stop. When that happened, they could only leave the future to the next generation.

It was quite a heavy burden, they know, however, to continue protecting the empire and its people, sacrifices were needed. Someone must risk their lives to ensure that the children of the future can live more peacefully.

The parents hug their children tightly in an embrace, tears started to fall as they pray for their safety. The kid hadn't yet felt the dangers of the war and was excited about being with their friends. Seven shakes his head, he watches as they were guided towards the boarding house. Starting today this kid would learn the difficulties of being independent especially noble children, who were used to being served.

He felt Maddox's hand on his shoulders.

"Let's go!" he said and they went inside Maddox's White mecha.