Food to summon the immortal

Seven nodded, eyes still pasted on the buns. Zanse almost jumped with happiness, he looked at the man and gave him his orders.

"excuse may I take a photo of you eating" he know it was rude to take a photo of someone but he wanted to remember the reaction of this good-looking young man, he knew he was handsome just from his posture.

"OK but I need my mask on" he didn't care much about it, but his face needed to be hidden, his disguise would be useless if that were to happen, on the second thought it's not like anyone knew about his face.

Zanse orders his A. I to take a picture of the both of them. Afterward, Seven once again disappeared. He thought he was dreaming at first but the photo remained so it must be true.

He log in on the starnet on posted the pictures. "My first customer!!" he press the post and get back to his counter, he was once again inspired.

In a large room, computers cover the corners, people have been pacing back and forth, some entering the place and coming out hastily. These people are students from the council representative, wearing a school prescribed uniform with the colors black and blue for the men and white and red for women, on their chest was a badge that is given and worn only by the student council.

They were checking the whole campus for some mishap so they need to be ready. Some were responsible for the surveillance and patrolling of the school grounds while others log in to the starnet to check for updates.

But who would have thought that Zanse post was seen by his classmates and friend who was part of the student council and just so happened to check

"Hey someone already won!!" he said in shock, he called out the president and they immediately shared the post.

Zanse who was just casually sitting in his store received multiple notifications from his terminal. He didn't mind it at first but then a hoard of customers started running towards his store. He had to order his smart robot to barricade his store due to the students' infighting.

"Woah... Calm down everyone!!" even still people didn't listen, they were asking about the immortal which he didn't know about. What immortal? Did someone ascend? He was just trying to sell curry bun OK.

It only subsided when a student council member came and break off the commotion. Two men wearing a badge of the student council approached his store and said.

"Congratulations on winning first place," they said and confetti rained down on him. He was still baffled after receiving the certificate, it didn't take long for people to realize what had happened when the students' voices cover the whole place from shock.

"no way, the immortal really did stop over here"

"What kind of food did he sell? "

"the immortal came here"

"what someone already won"

Gasp and scream attracted other visitors and some decided to buy a curry bun from him.

"I want one" a student bravely said, so Zanse gave him one, he was still confused but this was a customer.

The student gulped and took a bite. He was expecting another dark cuisine. His eyes widen" oh my God, this is so good" he couldn't explain the taste, it was spicy, sweet, and creamy at the same time. It didn't take a long time for him to finish and order another one.

This caused a chain reaction from everyone, the smell erupted the whole place and they couldn't help but try it. Just as they thought it would taste bad, the delicious taste burst into their mouth.

Zanse saw this and couldn't help but tear up. His hard work had finally paid off. He asked his smart robot to serve the customer while he cook for more. Before he enter the kitchen he decided to check his terminal and there were thousands of crystals- equivalent to a like- on his post, it was still climbing up until it reached a million. This was his first time having this many crystal clicks.

Feeling curious he look back at the starnet and saw the student council commenting on his post and sharing it on the school website.

"Our 1st winner was able to summon the immortal. Hmmm, I wonder what kind of food was able to attract him. Anyways continue to strive and watch out for the great beings to descend. Who knows you might be the next one to be bestowed by his blessings. Good luck students and enjoy. 999 more winners to go - Student council President" his mouth widen reading this, it turns out that his first-ever customer was hunted for a game, but to think he was the 1st to talk to him.


The news about this game spread in the entire star net, the visitor, in particular, were hyping this activity. Even celebrities shared the announcement, which quickly gain crystal clicks. They had commented on the post admitting that they also want to join, though some of them were just jokes, who would have thought this would trigger students. They posted their disapproval and this had become a huge fight between the two forces.

The president who was just casually sitting waiting for the winners didn't expect that the game would turn out this way. He should have expected this to happen the moment he announced Maddox's name. He contacted the school board about the issue. The school board immediately wanted to decline but they would surely infuriate the visitor. They could only toughen themselves and look at Maddox. To their surprise he agreed, it was a good thing that Maddox was in a good mood and didn't mind adding another 1000 price for them.

The council immediately announced the new criteria for the game.

"oh no, the visitors also want to take a peek of the great being, students you are in big trouble!!" the students thought that the council was really poisonous, they didn't announce everything in one go.

This announcement made a huge impact on the students while the visitor was happy, but before they could complain another post was made but this time it was in a video format.

They checked the video and it seems like the council wanted to step level higher in their performance. In the video, the scenery was changed to a palace-like room. In the center was a crystal ball, and surrounding it was the student council. They had changed their clothes to ancient clothing, the president was even grander. He was wearing a crown and was sitting on a high chair looking like a king. Coupled with his clothes and handsome looks, he looks majestic and strong.

The others were kneeling on the ground, a girl entered the door and went closer to the crystal ball. She was wearing a satin white and gold ancient dress. Covering her head was a veil. She then kneels in front of the President. The man then said" Madame seer, can you predict the number of people who can see the great being"

"I can your highness," she said and took off her veil showing her face, she look beautiful and delicate. Her eyes were all white making her look like a real seer from ancient times.

Her powers were healing and using the light coming out from it they were able to make it appear that they were asking heaven for an answer.

"I can see it.... 1000...2...2000 people...." after she said those, she became dizzy and her lady in waiting hurriedly helped her.

" Your majesty, there are 2000 people who can receive the blessings but so far only 1 has been found"

This 'shock' the palace minister. The king nodded and announced.

"Scribe!!" he could out and another man came out, he was holding a paper and a quill brush.

"Spread this world to the whole empire. There will be 1999 people who'll receive the immortal's blessing. Once they do, they must report to the palace immediately."

"yes, your highness!!! " the video darkened and finally ended. The video earned so many clicks and comments from both sides.

Some even wondered if they were not from the drama club because their acting was so convincing.

Anyway, whether they are from the student council or not it doesn't matter, for now at least they knew that more winners are added.

"Woah, they added so many, will Dr. Maddox do all of them" one comment stood out from the rest. He wasn't trying to pull down the game or make any rumor, he was just curious. Everyone knew how difficult it was to have an appointment for him.

He didn't expect people to forward his comments, this cause another discussion for everyone. They thought about and the commenter was right, even if the school was famous, Dr. Maddox isn't some people can just trifle with.

Good thing the council noticed this and ask Maddox nicely for him to confirm this. Maybe because Maddox has just been married, he didn't find this thing bothersome. To ensure everyone, he directly shared the post confirming that the said announcement was true. For him, it was easy to make those infusers.

The students no longer dally along and look for the immortal. So far only 24 new winners were added, and these people were from a store that sells smoothies. Seven didn't want to drink nutritional drinks, so he traveled far and between just looking for something to quench his thirst. That's when he found out about this store. Just like the first one all of them ask for a photo. The students working on the booth were so happy that they immediately posted this and each received a certificate. The customer eating of course did the same.

The council made another post to help the students and visitors.

"It seems like the great immortal like the mundane food of us mortal. Curry bun? smoothies? What's next?"

The people reading this thought, what kind of food can summon the immortal?