First Video

Kam finished setting up his work area pretty fast, he set up his camera and mounted his monitors to his desk. He would've mounted them to the wall but he would have to just take them down in a week when he moves.

That last thing he had to do was make sure everything was connected correctly and running right. The cord management got a little complicated for him and he had to take a brief break to calm himself down when he got completely lost in all the cords. But eventually, after another fifty minutes, he was able to get everything together and test it to make sure it was right.

By this time it was near three o'clock. He had originally planned to work on his prototype since he had plenty of time to spare before he had to meet Amy and the others. But he was so exhausted dealing with the setting up everything that he couldn't be bothered dealing with the prototype, as he knew that would be infinitely more annoying to put together than the computer. Again, it wouldn't be hard for him just time-consuming since he had to be incredibly careful when making it.

He could also begin working on his server but he also didn't feel like doing that either.

"Video Games it is, now I just have to install GAS," he said as he logged into his gaming computer. GAS is the largest gaming platform for computer games. It basically has a monopoly for the genre, but most people don't mind it as they are pretty fair with how they regulate their games and they are very user and small-business-friendly.

Most of the sales on the platform are from small developers. There are many stories of small companies making it big through the platform. The most famous of which is the developer known as Green Sheet. Their a company that was formed from another slightly larger(then) group that failed that banded together to create the studio.

Apparently, they got their name from the green sheet that was posted on their former company's door that held the notice of the company's bankruptcy. After that, they formed, their now famous, company and made the game Prime Edge, which is widely considered a classic pc game.

Currently, Kamara was planning to buy the newest game they had released about a week ago. Although it had been out for a while people were still talking about it and advertisements were everywhere around the city. He had counted at least six of them while he was out. The advertisement along with the good reviews had worked on Kam.

The name of the game is Hellmind, it's a survival, action-adventure game where the main character is transported to hell and has to either make a place for themselves or find a way out. It is heavily inspired by The Lesser Key of Solomon, with the 72 demons lords being the rulers of their own lands within Hell.

The main character can then either kill, negotiate or avoid them altogether. Their actions determine what they can do towards the end of the game. It has been receiving raving reviews online due to its story, customization, and gameplay.

Many consider it a favorite for the game of the year at the next Gamer Awards.

Although it wasn't the type of game Kamara had played in his last life and it was a bit intimidating to him, he still decide to play it because all the info he had seen about the game made him interested in it. Originally he wanted to stream himself playing the game but decided against it. He wanted his first stream to be longer than three hours. Instead, he decided to record his gameplay and would edit and upload it later, after he figured out what his online name would be.

"...thanks for watching!" Kam said into his mic. At first, he had wanted to do a camera, but after a debate, he decided not to. It would just make his editing even harder. So he just stuck with his voice and the game. In the future, he would probably add the camera.

"Alright, now just to save" Kam hummed as he dragged the files containing his game capture to a folder named "Videos" and then further embedded them in a file called "Hellmind Playthrough" and then further into the last file called "Episode 1". It would've been easier for him to just put it into the first file as he didn't have any more videos to choose from. But he wanted to make an effort to organize everything the right way from the start, that way that he doesn't have to reorganize everything in the future.

Once the files were saved in their proper place Kamara gave a deep exhale. He hadn't realized how hard it would be to try and be entertaining while playing a video game. He was used to going absolutely silent while playing and only having reactions in his head.

But for this, he had to make a concerted effort to be vocal about what he was seeing, while also being entertaining at the same time. His overall goal was to be genuine in how he felt while playing the game. For his first recording ever, he thought he did a fairly good job.

Now all he has to do is work on his gameplay, because dying sixty times in the first three hours of the game was unacceptable to Kamara, no matter how hard the game is.

While worrying about his first performance Kam got up to get ready for his hangout with his new friends. He needed to take a shower first, he had been sweating at points during the day and he wanted to smell and feel his best before he goes out. They had plans to visit some of the more touristy spots in the city before hitting a club or three so that Kam could get to experience the true city life.

He made a mental note to drink a lot of water while he was out, he didn't want to get so drunk that he couldn't get home. While he liked Berry and the rest, he didn't trust them enough to get drunk around them.

After getting out of the shower Kam lathered his body and then put on his underclothes before getting dressed in one of his new outfits. He chose the fifth outfit he had picked out earlier in the day. The top is a medium denim mandarin collard shirt, with a khaki trucker jacket on top and burgundy chinos for bottoms.

After much internal debate, he chose to wear the Jacket, even though it wasn't supposed to be cold. His rationale was that he had to wear the complete outfit because it was his first time going out in it. Lastly, for the shoes, since he didn't get the chance to buy any, he went with a pair of tan shoes that looked like the air force one-brand shoes from his last life.

Looking at himself in the mirror, Kam was happy with what he saw. Although it was a bit out there for him personally, he thought that it was a good step in the right direction in terms of fashion. He did think that it would look better if he had a matching hat, but he didn't and he didn't have time to get one so he stopped worrying about it.

He also realized that he needed to get more jewelry in the future, whether it be for his neck, fingers, or wrist. He felt that his hands were especially barren. On his next trip out he planned to fix that problem then. He also needed some cologne.

After dissecting all the problems with his look Kam checked the time on the clock and saw that it was time for him to leave. He grabbed his keys and wallet before heading out. As a force of habit, he turned off all the lights and powered off his electronics before leaving the house and locking the door.

Since he didn't know of any of the hot spots within Aline, the group had made plans to meet back up at Early Morning Eats at six o'clock. Because Kam lived pretty close to the place he left at five-thirty, giving himself enough time to walk there and still hopefully not be the last one there.

However Kam underestimated the group's tardiness as when he arrived a few minutes before the arrival time, he saw four familiar figures chatting in front of the closed storefront. Before he could sneak up Day saw him and whistled "Damn Kam you look like a new man. Didn't know all that sexy was underneath" she said in a fake flirtatious voice. The rest of the group all looked toward Kam. Each had looks of slight surprise at his new look.

"You almost outlook as good as me. What is that Délicatesse?" Deacon guessed as he looked him over.

"..yea how did you kno-"

"Don't worry about this mans freakish fashion sense, you'll only get annoyed when you get the answer. Anyways, you look really good Kam, if Day hadn't said something I would've assumed you were a stranger." Amy interrupted.

"Yea you look really good," Berry said with a small smile on her face.

"Yea I tried my best when picking out my outfits. I'm glad I didn't underdress or I would've been shown up by yall." Kam praised as he looked at the group outfits.