Troublesome life

Life was a drama, every age showed its new miseries. She was always in deep water.

New hectic phase wont stand by to take place of the foregoing. One can not possibly stop it at all.

However they are not perpetual. Every drama has a conclusion. It may be good or bad.

Emily, the only adopted child of the Roger's family had lived a sorrowful and despondent life after she lost her parents in a car accident at five. She was eighteen, had blue flashing eyes,smooth straw- colored long hair that crashed on her shoulders, wasp waisted, glossy skin, no less than a model.

Just the day before she turned eighteen, her step father espoused another woman who already

had two sons, divorced his first missus and asked her and Emily to depart from the house.

The reason was not because her wife was egocentric or deceitful towards him but because she couldn't

give him a boy, a heir to the company.

Carrying luggage in their hands they sauntered into the


It was midwinter. The sky was covered with clouds and chilly winds were blowing. It was

piercing. Their hands and feet had numbed with cold, teeth were chattering .Not a bird chirped.

They needed a cozy place to spend night at their soonest possible. Soon they were standing in front of the cafeteria.

Mother held her adopted daughter's hands and attempted to pacify her.

"You're not cold dear right?.. Just

wait a little more Emily… We'll surely find a nice place to live. Just trust your mother. Are you

hungry?. Should we go eat something warm?"

She talked to her as if Emily was a little child. Although her words didn't solace her much but

she was contented to have her around. Emily only had her stepmother who cared about her.

"Mom, I'm ok. You don't worry much."

Emily said while embracing her. While this chat was still going on, the cafe owner rushed towards them and asked if they needed a room at rent.

Emily looked at her mother to know her will.

They both went in. It was a tiny, square shaped room warm enough to spend winters, a little antiquated but comfortable.

Emily started to put her things inside a drawer placed next to a small


It was already the fourth day, Emily and her mother had been consuming porridge day and night

due to dearth of money.

Her mother state got intensified maybe due to anxiety and aggravation. She needed a surgery to get rid of the tumor in her brain but they didn't have penny to do away with it.


dressed up nicely, picked her bag and went out to find a part time job.

She needed to gain some

cash so that her mother could be treated at the hospital.

A minute distance from where they lived,

she saw a grocery shop and hurried in.

The owner probably didn't notice her coming in and

continued summing up a heap of money in his hands.

He was an old man about 50 to 55 ,winter

white hair and faded brown crinkled skin. Suddenly he noticed someone standing in front of the


"Yes? How can I help you young lady?" he asked gently. "Well! I was hoping to get a

job here." Emily said in a low soft voice.

"UMPHHH! Sorry my child, I already have a lot of workers here

as you can see."

Emily made a long fiddle face and headed towards the door.

"Can you work the night

shift here?" he spoke out loudly from the back .

Emily stopped and thought for a moment standing at the threshold.

"Yes I can. Thank you!" She

turned around and answered. Well she couldn't even afford to deny in. The salary was also a bit

more than day shift. She worked there for two weeks continuously and earned enough money

for her mother.

Carrying fried fish in her hands walking home avidly, she opened the door of the room.

"Mom I'm…, what happened mom? ,why are you lying on the floor? Is your head

hurting?, let's go see a doctor."

Emily's mother was lying on the floor holding her head with both her hands. Water drooling from her mouth. With the help of someone at the cafe she managed to take her mother to the


"The tumor in her brain has grown too big, we need to operate on her immediately. Nurse!

Prepare an operating room for me now!" said the doctor while studying the MRI report. Emily sat down

on the floor.

A sob escaped her and she covered her face with shaking hands. A flood of tears gushed down

her ashen cheeks.

An hour passed already. She was waiting for the doctors to come out of the

operation theater. The door opened and the doctor came out removing gloves from his hands.

His face looked forlorn. It was all written on his face what he was about to say.

Emily's mother

died. She was left alone in this world.

No mother, no father, no siblings. No one to take care of her. Several thoughts came into her

mind. She was standing there still as if she was lost somewhere. The funeral was held the next day.

Three days passed. Emily has still not recovered from the shock. She took her luggage, put on her shoes,

said goodbye to the cafe owner and went out.

She stood in front of a building, not a large one and started glaring at it. Suicidal thoughts kept coming into her mind.

"I'm sorry mother. I can not bear more, the world sucks." She said while whimpering.

In no time she was standing on the edge of the rooftop.

"It's ok Emily you can do this, just close

your eyes and jump off."

She thought while she was still standing on the edge.Her hair was floating in the

air. Wind swayed across her. Tears filled her eyes but couldn't roll down due to upward air current. She took one more step ahead and suddenly heard someone's voice from the

"Hey you, stop putting on a show here. You'd only break your legs jumping from this building. Go find some huge building if you really want to die".

Emily looked back at him.

He was a tall, sharp featured, handsome guy. He looked like a rich CEO.

"It's none of your concern! Just get lost.!Stop bothering me."

She was just about to

take another step when a hand pulled her back and she fell back on him. It was that handsome guy again.