Jaem's journey home was filled with panic and a lot of curses from the people whom he kept pushing aside in his haste.his house wasn't too far from the restaurant but at this moment,he felt as if his house was thousands of kilometers away instead of being right downtown.

His feet moved fast and strong whiles his brain ran rampart with all sorts of images, most of which will do well in a horror movie.

If anyone knew what the African American boy was thinking as he ran home, they will definitely conclude that he had an overactive dysfunction or something, but to Jaem, who knew that the two people who had been bitten the last time, were jobless vagabonds who never left their rooms unless at night, believed he was acting just how everyone in his shoes would.

"Watch where you're going,boy!" A cab driver shouted angrily at Jaem who had almost been run over Whiles crossing the last street bordering his neighborhood.