Chapter 1

Among the ruins of countless buildings, a team of about five or six people was walking through them.

The movement was very quick, as if he was being chased by something. All the way to run hard, dare not have the slightest pause.

"I I can't run any more. Let's do this! I'll stay and hold him. Run away... "

Speaking of a middle-aged man, wearing a set of fire red armor, bent down and said.

"Uncle Zhang, how can we leave you? To die together, to live together..."

Yi Xiaofan raised his bow and arrow and exclaimed.

The other people also agreed: "yes! Fight with him "

" let's go together "


This is an ordinary team of survivors after the earth enters the new era.

When hunting the zombies here, I accidentally provoked a god level boss.

As a result, he was chased by the boss.

With the strength of their team, they can barely kill the boss of ghost level.

As for the God level boss who is chasing them, a wave of his hand can make their whole team disappear.

"Ha ha ha, you mole ants, go to die!"

At this time, a rough and arrogant voice came from behind them.

A head of black hair, such as ink, fluttering in the wind, eyes haze, the corner of the mouth of the evil.

If you look at it carefully, you can find that the figure is like the emperor of the soul in the novel of fighting against the sky.

"Blood devil eat heart thunder!"

In the palm of his hand, a round ball of red thunder appeared. The purple electric light was twinkling and crackling, as if it had the energy to destroy the sky and the earth.


A sound of breaking the air rings out, and the thunder ball that has been condensed is flying to Yi Xiaofan.

After a few breaths, he flew to the middle of the line and exploded.

Suddenly Yi Xiaofan felt that his body was torn to pieces by an irresistible force.

Then he lost consciousness.

"Now there is an urgent news. Just a few hours ago, a meteorite fell from Shunfeng Mountain in our city. According to the eyewitness, this meteorite is the size of a grinding plate, and no casualties have been found at present..."

After a long time of darkness, Yi Xiaofan's consciousness gradually became clear, and his senses slowly recovered.

"Well! This is, isn't this the house I rent? "

"How did I get here?"

Dust has long memory gradually clear, Yi Xiaofan fierce jump from the bed.

"Isn't this the day before the end of the explosion?"

"I've got an egg. Am I reborn?"

Pinch the arm, severe pain spread throughout the body.

Turn on the phone and the time on it is 9:30, October 13, 2052.

To be confirmed again, Yi Xiaofan jumped up excitedly.

"I'm reborn. In this life, I can walk ahead of everyone, marry Bai Fumei, and climb to the top of the world. Everything is mine..."

Yi Xiaofan washed a little bit, found a windbreaker and mask to wear, and hurried out.

He wants to get something. As long as he gets that thing, he can become a god fighter faster than others.


Shunfeng Mountain is being blocked at this time, and tourists are basically repatriated.

Yi Xiaofan carefully along the winding up the small mountain road, all the way up.

"It's not easy for him to come out for a visit. He's so meow that he should encounter this kind of thing!"

"I didn't even get to the top of the mountain, so I heard what you said about meteorites!"


Yi Xiaofan was amused when he listened to the conversation of the tourists who went down.

What kind of meteorite is this? This is a card.

This card is the purpose of his coming this time. It's a divine war card, which can be used as a divine warfighter.

This is also a kind of welfare before the global data, it is said that there are only 1000 in the world.

The closer to the top of the mountain, the fewer tourists, and he is almost the only one who goes to the mountain like him.

Hurt others with strange eyes to see him, but Yi Xiaofan did not care.

"No going up the mountain now. Please go back."

Said a middle-aged sergeant in police uniform.

"Well! All right

Although we can think of the result, Yi Xiaofan didn't go down the mountain.

But when the middle-aged police sergeant didn't pay attention, he slipped into the dense woods.

Shuttle in the Bush, all the way like the top of the mountain.

"Mr. Chen, what is this meteorite, why does the leader attach importance to it?"

"How do I know? Keep watch. Wait for the experts to come here. I'll take a pee."

A sergeant with a little gray hair walked behind a big rock.Yi Xiaofan squatted in the nearby bush, because there were two people, even he did not dare to act rashly.

And now, the opportunity has come, at this time the meteorite only a superintendent in the guard.

While the young sergeant turns his back to Yi Xiaofan.

Yi Xiaofan strides forward with a knife like hand and cuts it on the back of the young superintendent's head.

With a dull sound, the young sergeant slowly collapsed to the ground and fainted.

In a large crater formed by impact, a meteorite the size of a millstone lies there quietly.

Yi Xiaofan came forward, did not have time to look carefully, took out the knife to cut his finger.

The scarlet blood fell on the meteorite. As soon as it came into contact, the meteorite suddenly gave off a dazzling light and cracked one by one.

Inside, a golden card appears, floating up and down above the debris.

Yi Xiaofan picked up the card with three words "Shenzhan card" written on it.

This Shenzhan card is the target of Yi Xiaofan's trip.

Since things have been taken, Yi Xiaofan did not stop, fast along the original road back.

The next step is to use this card. It is said that the first 1000 awakened people can get a treasure chest.

Think about it. I'm still a little excited!