finding the prostitute

micheal's pov...

it didn't take long for me to find that prostitute, she was hiding a few blocks away from my house, really! I thought she would actually get out of this country after I did my research on the higher ups, they were ruthless people, the kidnapped young women and trained them to be prostitutes, I tried my very best but I couldn't find the leader of their gang , ah!!!! back to the present I knocked on Serena's door, It didn't take long for me to catch her watching me through the peeping whole, it's you! she exclaimed! of course it's me, I'm here to save your ass now come with me before the higher ups get here. how did you know about the higher ups she asked!

Micheal: a friend told me now stop talking and pack whatever you need I'm giving you 10 minutes. Serena didn't waste any time talking to him again, she actually needed help, to get away from this place and be somewhere far away from the higher ups before they found her she already had a fair idea on who Micheal really was, because there was no way anyone would get information about the higher ups that fast unless he or she deals with the mafia, from one mafia gang to another, I just hope this one is good she prayed, just as Serena was packing she saw two black sedans pulling up in front of her house, all of a sudden she heard Micheal shout " Serena we need to leave now!!!!". she didn't even bother packing anything again she rushed out of her room but just as she was about to get to Micheal two bulky bodyguards stopped. and where do you think you're going, the bodyguard with a scar on his head snapped. oh god please help me