Louis Perez!!!

Micheal! was she really seeing him or was she drunk. Serena froze in her spot, what the hell! micheal is alive! ahh!!! she wanted to scream but it was as if her body didn't want to obey her, her mind was screaming at her to move. but she stood there like a statue until someone tapped her on the shoulder. she turned around to see a middle aged woman she said; I see you're a fan of Louis Perez

serena: Louis what now? (confused)

woman: Louis Perez, the famous movie actor, he just rose to fame with his new movie and now people want to collaborate with him, he's the one in the blue suit, you know Louis Perez right?(suspicious)

serena:(what the fuck! but that man was Michael Mario santiago, my man! how dare he change his personality! he's the greatest mafia boss to have ever existed!) Serena calms down and stares at the woman. ah! yes sorry he just looked like someone I knew that is why I was staring at him like that.

woman: well then, go and talk to him by the way it was nice meeting you miss Serena

serena: you too madam...

woman: Lisa robero

serena: nice to meet you too madam Lisa

The woman leaves, Serena turns around only to find Michael gone. where the help did he disappear to she whispered. Serena starts looking for him, she searched everywhere but couldn't find him. she almost gave up when she spotted him kissing a girl. holy fuck!!!! she felt her heartbreaking into pieces, this cannot be, how, why was he doing this to her. no! no! no! she can't let this happen she has suffered enough. just as she was about to confront Michael, someone pulled her away, she was about to scream when she saw the person's face, it was liam.

Liam: I need to talk to you but you gotta have patience ok.

serena wanted to beat him up for pulling her away but she decided to listen to him first. whatever you're gonna say must make sense or else imma gonna punch you right now!. liam whispers"she is just like my boss". well I know you're confused so please listen attentively okay.

serena: okay shoot

liam: (sighs) so after we took Michael's body I decided to send him to one of our best doctors in the mafia team and he was able to remove the bullet from his brain but unlucky for Michael the bullet had damaged an important part of his brain. The doctor told me that he might loose half of his memory, act like a child or loose his memory completely