


Booming explosions resounded throughout the surrounding fifty meters or so as the fist of Saber and the body of the whale shark met. The waters swirled without control as Saber laughed hysterically, causing many bubbles and not any sound.

Suddenly, his left hand grabbed onto the skin of the beast as his nails dug into the skin of the monster, causing it to let out a roar of pain. It swung its body left and right, hoping for Saber to lose balance, but with Saber's increased level of power, such acts were rendered useless.

Saber's left hand and nails only dug deeper and deeper into its body simply because of the immense strength brimming in his body. At this moment, he felt as if his strength could easily outmatch this beast he's been fighting as the memories of his past few days began to overflow in his mind.

From fighting a troublesome little rabbit to running for his life from a deadly T-rex, and then those wolves who quite literally ate him alive, finally, he was able to fight a predator-level monster without the need for trickery.

As the blood of the monster stained the waters, Saber's hand began being pulled out of the monster's body as he prepared to fight it head-on once more. Pulling himself a few feet back, Saber floated with a smirk on his face as he watched the beast open its mouth once again.

Saber immediately knew an attack that affected his mind was once again coming but, instead of trying to prevent it like what any normal person would try to do, Saber instead let the beast use this ability of his as he wanted to see if the attack would have any effect on him once again.

One can call him careless but, he knew that the current him could probably sustain his consciousness when faced with the attack. The deep black void could be seen inside of the whale shark's mouth as an echo resounded throughout the surroundings.

Seeing the actions of the beast with a calm mind and trying to analyze the beast's ability, Saber realized that the beast merely used the atomic energy stored inside of his cells and sent it toward his esophagus.

Though beings under the Energy Maneuvering rank are unable to send the atomic energy inside of their bodies outside of it, strengthening the inside of their bodies is still possible when even in the Body Improvement rank.


So, Saber also followed suit as he sent a fair amount of energy into his vocal cords and gave out a roar that reverberated throughout the surrounding sixty or so meters. Because he had a higher and denser amount of energy compared to the beast in front of him, plus the fact that for the first time, he used more than half of his current energy reserves, Saber's attack instead affected the beast's mind as it was left defenseless.

Immediately, Saber used this as an opportunity to kill the beast once and for all. But, he knew that if he just punched or stabbed at its body, he may not be able to completely kill it so with a slightly annoyed expression, Saber dived into the already open mouth of the whale shark.

'I wish I had done biology back in my homeworld!' Saber shouted in his mind after entering the mouth of the whale shark. His view only contained darkness as he wasn't even sure where he needed to go to kill the monster.

'But, this should be enough!' He said in his mind, thereafter, he circulated the remainder of the energy in his cells throughout his body. His feet planted on what can be considered a floor, Saber used that as his base and then burst with power and atomic energy as he punched towards the 'roof' of this dark place, successfully obliterating it.

The momentum carried him out of the inside of the whale shark. Outside of the monster's body, Saber could be seen huffing as he staggered onto the body of the beast and lay there with his closed eyes.

It seemed that this was the first time he had ever used any of the atomic energy inside of his body and cells. But, not even a few seconds later, Saber felt as if his energy was retained along with an increase in his power.

'Haha, I didn't know that using all of my energy out and then regaining it could increase my power!' Saber laughed in his mind, now he had gotten an even better training idea than doing push-ups and stuff like that which had long been proven barely effective.


Saber's stomach gave out a grumble, it seemed as if regaining so much energy in a short period was too much for his regeneration causing it to demand more food. But, he only let out a light smile since he was currently laying on top of a dead whale. An incredibly massive, twenty-meter creature!!



Saber began biting down on the body of the whale shark, his vampire-like canines ripping apart the skin and flesh of the whale shark monster. The surrounding beast dared not go anywhere near him nor his 'catch' as not only was the residue aura of the whale shark still filled with savagery, Saber's very own aura was also incredibly ruthless...akin to a beast himself!

Saber was eating his prey at an incredibly speedy pace, his stomach had long stopped grumbling for more food yet, he did not stop eating the raw meat of the beast as he realized that this monster was tasting incredibly fact, this meat was arguably the beast he had ever experienced.

But, as he was enjoying his meal, he was unaware of the blood which began permeating the water. The blood traveled throughout this body of water, alerting all of its residents about the death of one of its predators.

This body of water, which spanned slightly more than a kilometer in size was host to not just one predator, and currently, one of the many predators was unlucky enough to have his blood permeate throughout the whole of this pool of water.

But, at the very least, this event was able to alert the other beasts who reside in this expanse of water as they were immediately able to form a sort of truce and with temporary peace, face the one enemy which dared to ruin the balance of their home.

So, while Saber enjoyed the best meat of his life, approaching his direction was a group of creatures who were brimming with anger. But, it wasn't just mere anger that they were brimming with but also an immense amount of power.


Saber, who was busy chomping down on a one-meter size fin that was held in the palm of his hands, suddenly opened his eyes with a confused expression clear on his face. He was busy floating through the waters facing the skies and with closed eyes as he ate a fin of the whale shark when he then suddenly and mysteriously felt an around a dozen auras that radiated with immense savagery and power.

The weirdest and possibly frightening thing was the fact that they were able to bypass Saber's honed senses as he only felt them when they were all surrounding him and only ten meters away from his body!!