

A blood-curling scream filled with despair and sadness resounded throughout the capital of an unfortunate kingdom. From the skies, one can see the body of Laurence being grabbed by the neck of Saber as the crazed and demonic smile on Saber's face grew wilder while he held Laurence's body in place and flew through many houses and quite literally through many of this city's denizens' bodies.

The king, Laurence, had a front seat view as he frantically tried to make Saber stop his current actions. But, Saber was simply too strong, as Laurence had no choice but to watch as he impacted the bodies of his people, as in the process, it caused their bodies to burst into blood and mist.

This carried on for minutes, as before long, this city that spanned thousands of kilometers and was host to tens of millions, was now turned into a sea of blood. Floating in the skies was Saber who had Laurence held by the neck and was bloodied from head to toe.

His empty husk-like eyes watched at the suffering and death he had just been forced to cause. His eyes that previously had light in them, were now as dull as his dead friend. As they floated peacefully in the skies, Laurence then asked with a cracked voice...


Saber could only snicker when hearing his plaything's words. His mood that was previously overly hyper had finally calmed after causing such a bloodbath as a pair of blood-red wings appeared on his back, greatly startling the king in the process, as Saber then replied.

"It is simple. I am wicked, cruel, and evil. I am an abomination birthed from pain, arrogance, and killing. I am a beast in a humanoid form, and I am the abyss itself. Any and everything that you can define as evil is what I am. The worst or best part about it is, that I truly enjoy it."

His words rang in the ears of the king as his blood wings suddenly changed form and turned into two blood-red spears that then went on to penetrate the back of the king. Thereafter, the king's body fell from the skies lifelessly as it then eventually went on to land on the ocean of blood.

Saber's wide demonic grin never left his face as he watched down on what he considered his very own piece of 'art'. He felt proud when gazing at the misty red city, as he then went on to think that his fox bloodline seemed to have made him slightly more sadistic.

"Well, it is expected. After all, we are still beasts in our nature." Saber's master then said. His illusionary figure appeared next to Saber in the real world, greatly surprising Saber in the process.

"You could do this?!"

Saber mumbled in shock. His master seemed to be able to do anything once he placed his mind to it, sadly, Saber knew that for his master to place his mind to do anything meaningful was nothing more than a pipe dream.

"Humph! I could do almost anything. This though is merely a form of my will. It has no strength at all, but I can use it to see. It is similar to my body inside of this black ring, it's just that the one in my black ring is a 1/100,000,000,000,000 of a piece of my soul." Saber's master said while stressing the fact that all of those numbers were a piece of his true soul.

"Well, whatever, I guess I should get going." Saber said as his blood-red spears transformed into wings once more. Thereafter, his eyes darted toward the forest where he came from, as it then shifted in the opposite direction.

There, one can two massive mountains that penetrated the clouds. In the middle was a dirt road that Saber knew as the road toward this Continent's capital city. It was the location of the emperor of this continent, while also being the host to the true rulers of this continent.

It was the location of the Heavenly Body Sect HQ!

"As of this moment, my power isn't enough." Saber said, as his wings flapped and he then flashed across the skies. His location was of course the forest in which he had entered the Spirit Integration realm. He had a feeling that something massive would happen once he entered the next realm.

It was time to enter the Spirit Insight realm.




The Universe...

It is time that we finally get an idea of how this universe works...

One thing we know for sure is that this universe is home to many, many, different things, both not worth mentioning, or mysterious. It is home to many different races, species, treasures, realms, and last but not least, elements.


It is a mysterious force that has been the sole reason why the universe hasn't already collapsed. But, what makes this mysterious force even more important, is the fact that it is also the cause of many deaths.

An uncountable number of lifeforms have died when awakening their element, and even more, were killed when jealous beings were able to figure out the elements of these lifeforms. For example, a lifeform that has awakened the element of fire would then try to find a way to kill another lifeform that has awakened the element of True flames.

It was of course not always like this, but in cases where the less talented awakeners do not become jealous of those who awakened elements of a higher tier than themselves, it is most likely because these lifeforms have another enemy in which they are then forced to work together.


Many peaceful races have been split because of envious lifeforms, it was a mortal sin that was detrimental to any sort of group. Anyway, to even awaken an element which your body has an affinity with, one must first reach the Spirit Insight realm, or, for body cultivators, the Limit Mortal realm.

Appearing in a clearing, Saber immediately sat in a lotus position as he prepared to awaken his element. He was extremely excited to enter the Spirit Insight realm after hearing his master's words. He was finally aware of the fact that the feeling of his view being blocked was normal when one is infinitely close to unlocking their element.

But first, and just like any other time, Leviathan appeared on Saber's shoulder and showcased Saber's stats in front of his eyes. With a smile on his face, Leviathan was seemingly happy when seeing Saber's eyes tear up and a drop fell from them. Of course, this only happened because Saber's eyes laid upon the sight of the numerous Kill points.

Knowing that those Kill points would disappear, Saber couldn't help but feel like crying. He worked so hard to get those Kill points after all. But, a smile formed on his face soon after when realizing the current level of his strength, and the fact that it was about to be increased once more.

He was truly excited to see what element his body was most in tune with. On any other day, he would have thought of the poison element, but knowing that his body had other aspects other than poison, which was shapeshifting, illusions, regeneration, and most important of all, evolution, he was unsure which element could even hope to ever include every one of these aspects.

What he did not know, was the fact that he was about to become the bearer of a primal element!