Primordial Chaos

"Sorry sister, but I don't have any parents." Saber instinctively replied.

But, soon after, as the scenario was fully processed by his brain, Saber looked around in confusion, yet he was unable to see what he was looking for. Seeing Saber's confusion, the existence of who was the cause of the voice then went on to say.

"You need not look since you are watching me." Saber knew that even if he was slightly crazy, he wasn't at a level where he will be hearing random female voices. So, inhaling a deep breath of this seemingly fresh air that was located in this realm, Saber then said.

"Please, can you not talk in riddles. And, also, while you are at it, explain the reason why you chose to refer to me as your child?!" Saber said toward the intangible existence that seemed to have brought him into this mysterious realm.

"As I have said before, you are currently looking at me, as in, I do not have a physical form. As I am not a living creature, nor am I that of a creature of the dead realm. I am not a physical existence either since I am but a mere concept.

Yet, a mere concept such as myself is the origin of everything in existence, both physical and conceptual. This is what it means to be an element. And, I am the highest of elements, the Everest of mysterious forces, I am Primordial Chaos."



Saber was left with a gaping mouth after hearing those words spoken by quite literally everything that had currently surrounded him. It was no wonder that he felt as if the water underneath him, the wind that coursed through his hair, and even the very space were talking to him.

It was because of the existence...No, the concept which was talking to him was every single thing in existence! But, just as Saber's shock felt as if it couldn't become any higher, the Black Ring on his finger suddenly flew out of his finger as thereafter, the voice once again spoke.

"Even though the being inside of this is related to you, and also has chaos in him, such a being still can't be permitted to stay and listen to our meeting!" Immediately after, the ring disappeared from the very space, causing Saber to be once more shocked to his core.




(Black Ring)

"Interesting, truly interesting!"

The mysterious master of Saber suddenly shouted when listening to the words spoken by Primordial Chaos. His usual lazy voice contained excitement for the first time in many cycles as for the first time since being sealed, he has found a disciple that he had the confidence to unseal him.

"This...this isn't mere Chaos that I have. No, this is Primordial Chaos, the overseer of Chaos. Chaos the creator and destroyer of everything have an overseer?!!" He mumbled in disbelief as he couldn't help but smile.

"Haha, it seems that even by 'that' accursed race's standard, my disciple is not a mere super genius. It seems that he must actually be the so-called..."




(Mysterious Realm)

In the mysterious realm, standing on top of an ocean of water were seven humanoid lifeforms. They all looked similar to each other, and the only difference was their auras. Of the seven, six of them gazed toward the only one of them that seemed different than the others.

Though they all had the same physical features, this last one seemed to be a completely different person compared to the others. This humanoid was Saber who was shockingly facing off against his mortal sins. According to the voice, for him to be able to be the bearer of the element of Primordial Chaos, he needed to 'become one with his inner-self though, he was unsure of what it meant.

The easiest, and at the same time the most dangerous way, was to fight and kill his mortal sins. The same mortal sins that once sat on high thrones were now forced to work together to fight Saber.

"Hmm, one of you guys is way stronger than the previous time." Saber said out oud as his eyes gazed toward the most attractive of the lot. Saber instantly knew who that mortal sin was when sensing how attractive it is.

"You must be lust?!" Saber said while pointing at his sinful counterpart, only gaining a nod in return. Saber was kind of shocked, since not only was lust stronger, but the others were also, yet lust seemed to have grown the most in strength.

"Oh, are you surprised?" An angered voice then entered Saber's ears, causing the latter to shift his gaze to the leader of this group of sins. What came to view was a Saber who seemed to be filled with wrath in his eyes, yet his expression remained calm.

"No, not really, as beings who share my existence, if you did not even reach this level, then you would have sorely disappointed me!!" Saber said with a sadistic and battle-crazed smirk etched on his face, as right after, a pair of red gauntlets appeared in his hands.


"And here I thought arrogance was the most prideful out of the eight of us. You seem to be unaware of the fact that once you are killed by any of us, you will face true death as either one of us will then take over this body!"

Wrathful Saber said. Right after, multiple red gauntlets appeared on the hands of the six mortal sins. It seemed that similar to Saber, they also somehow were able to equip themselves with gauntlets.

"Huh?!" Saber was alarmed by this fact, as he realized that this may have to take a while. But, before he realized it, all six mortal sins flashed across the body of purple water and approached Saber with inhumane speeds.


A punch was sent straight to Saber's face, but he dodged the attack from the mortal sin that represented greed, as he then went on to punch the stomach of his sin of gluttony.

The said punch caused Saber's fist to penetrate the body of gluttony causing gluttony to stagger back with his mouth shaped in an O shape as he was left shocked to the core.

Saber smiled as he watched the scene of gluttony's body lifelessly falling to the ground, effectively killing him on the spot.

He smiled once seeing this, as he realized that these sins of his didn't seem all that strong. He couldn't help but be happy, with this, wouldn't his path into Primordial Chaos be way easier than he had once thought. Such an ancient element, yet he was the one to be able to easily comprehend it.

But, this smile disappeared immediately after. His face suddenly turned grim as his gaze darted toward the mortal sins that surrounded him.

His senses warned him of the aura of these mortal sins. An aura that they all each had which was somehow increasing after the death of gluttony! Saber's alarm bells rang as he sensed an attack coming from behind him.

Luckily, he sensed it in time, which in turn would give him enough time to dodge, but, shockingly before he could even think about dodging, the punch connected to the back of his neck, sending him flying.

"If the death of only two of us was enough to power us up to defeat you already, it seems that we are destined to be sorely disappointed!" Wrath said in a mocking tone.