The Sign

"Levi, how fast was I going there?" Saber said while holding an unconscious Astaroth.

Floating in the troposphere of this planet, Saber coldly gazed at the planet that now had no core as it slowly fragmented. A screen then appeared in front of his eyes...

[Mach 293867]

"Wow, it seems that these world laws failed to be applied to my body now that I comprehended an element." Saber said. His gaze then shifted toward the man in his grip as his claws lengthened.


Without much effort, Saber turned Astaroth's head into red mist as he then thought.

'He was way too weak, probably only just entered the Half/Step Immortal rank when he had been sealed.' Thereafter, Saber dropped his body as it began descending down to the planet that was close to destruction. Tears began streaming down Saber's face as he said.


"This...this is the first world that I have destroyed with my own hands." He said with a proud smile on his teary face. But, it soon turned into an expression of seriousness as he said.

"Hmm, I feel as if I am forgetting something...No, someone?... Oh yes! Adrianna is still somewhere on this almost destroyed planet!" He shouted out in alarm. Thereafter, he calmed down and closed his eyes while his domain expanded out.

A sword then appeared in the palm of his hand as he infused his dark purple energy into it. Instantly, a flash of bright light enshrouded him as his figure disappeared.

Soon after, he appeared on a thousand-meter size rock, where he perceived the figure of Adrianna still unconscious. He appeared next to her and he then took her into his embrace.

But, just as he was about to stand up to his feet, he felt a chop to the back of his neck as his consciousness disappeared instantly!!





"It seems master has taken fancy to a female." Zeno said with a dark expression, but he calmed his annoyed nerves and inspected the body of his master. Sending his senses inside of Saber, he was able to see the inside of him.

The scene though did not look anything like the inside of someone as instead, it contained an infinite dark space that was home to infinite starry dots. A smile formed on Zeno's face as he then separated Adrianna's body from Saber.

"For you to even stand a chance to be my master's slave, your strength will need to somehow keep up!" Zeno said, as a crack in the surrounding space formed. Throwing Adrianna's body inside it as if it was some rag doll, Zeno then waved his hand as another crack formed.

Gently picking his master's body up, Zeno then walked into the void of darkness on the other side of the crack.





A lazy groan escaped Saber's as his eyelids fluttered. Struggling to get up, Saber's eyes then suddenly shot open, revealing his beautiful pair of dark purple irises that shot splendorous beams of enticing light outward.

Saber's dazzling features that were enhanced by the sun that penetrated the blinds of the room could entice any female and even some males, as Saber slowly got up from the comfortable and modern bed that he had not slept on for quite some time.

"Oh my, such a bastard!" Saber angrily muttered while rubbing the back of his neck since somehow it refused to heal from Zeno's backhand chop. Saber knew who did this since only said person could somehow teleport him to a completely different world.

But he was truly angry at the fact that the bastard did not know how to hold his power back.

Anyway, Saber calmed his mind. Suddenly, he felt as if he was forgetting something, or someone, he wasn't sure about. But, he knew something was off, yet he placed the feeling aside since it would not be interesting if he knew.

Now that he found himself in a completely different location, Saber sat on top of the large bed in a lotus position as he gazed at his body. Now that he had time to analyze, Saber grabbed the wrist of his left hand as he then...tore his whole arm off.

But, nothing happened. There was no blood or any bone, muscles, or even veins. The only thing that he could see, was an infinite void that was filled with an infinite number of starry dots. Seeing this, Saber grew an interest in the workings of True Lifeforms.

Soon after, a mysterious substance exited his shoulder. It was a mysterious substance that he had been preventing from leaving his arm. Saber watched on with interest as this dark purple substance connected to the arm as an instant later, his arm was reattached to his body.

With this out of the way, Saber then shifted his attention to the problem of his mind domain and the feeling of not being able to enter his own body.

Even though his master said that True Lifeforms are unable to see the inside of their own body, Saber felt something different than what his master described.

He was unsure of whether this was because of his race and their mysterious bloodline, or because he had the word 'Hybrid' next to it, but Saber knew that even though he did not have a mind domain, there was something...or, somewhere that he could enter inside his body that even others can't.

With this in mind, Saber closed his eyes and then calmed his mind. He entered a tranquil state, a state that he never would have been able to enter if he did not find peace within himself, as he then found himself standing in a mysterious void.

One thing to note was the fact that he stood in his true form.

Even though he knew that this place was inside of himself, he was still surprised. But, he threw away his surprise as he then began walking forward. Well, that was his intention, but before even five steps...


He instantly grabbed his forehead as he realized that he walked into something extremely hard.


He mumbled in surprise. Stretching his hand out, he felt as if rooted in front of him was an invulnerable wall. It was the most sturdy thing he has ever felt. Instinctively, he knew that he needed to destroy this wall, it was as if his very nonexistent blood was telling him to destroy this wall.


He punched at it, but nothing happened. Since that did not work, he then got into a proper stance and used his full power to send a punch. One must know, even if this was not the physical world, Saber's power was still now comparable to the level he was at when he dominated Astaroth.


But, similar to the first time, Saber's full-powered punch did nothing at all to damage the wall. He felt as if he would never be able to destroy it, and with that thought, he clicked his tongue as he then began to send hundreds of punches toward the wall.

Boom Boom Boom Boom!...

Sadly, nothing changed, Saber's anger reached a new height but he realized that the angrier he got, the weaker his punches became.


Saber sighed in defeat. Knowing nothing new would happen, he decided to leave this void for now, and then come back later.

In the outside world, Saber's eyes opened, revealing a pair of purple stars!

Yes, each of his pupils was in the shape of stars, but this only lasted for an instant, before it disappeared completely as Saber did not even realize...




(End Of Volume 2)