Can You Kill Me?

His gaze seemed to peer into the secrets of the heavens themselves. The veins around his eyes bulged as something weird then went on to happen. If one was watching Saber, then one would be left with permanent mental scars.

If one was present, one'll be able to see the sight of Saber's body somehow being torn into two pieces. His skin exaggeratedly stretched. But, soon, it eventually parted as one can now see two halves of Saber sitting in a seiza style.

Because of this, Saber was able to see inside of his body, and one would be left speechless as both halves gazed at each other's inside with interest clear in their eyes. Similar to Saber's heart, what was inside was a void of darkness that was decorated with an infinite number of glowing dots.

Soon, both Saber halves healed and two Sabers were left sitting in seiza position. Both Sabers felt as if they were connected mentally as every single thought they had was sent to the other half in an instant.

But, as of now, they hadn't experienced anything that'll make them have different thoughts, so now, they both thought the same things at the same time.

"This isn't mere cloning. It is more like separating something into two halves. The best part is, that one can stay inside here, while the other goes outside to do anything dangerous since if one dies, the other would remain unaffected."

They both muttered at the same time. Saber's hollow eyes shone with a brand new light momentarily before it returned to their dull lifeless eyes.

Both then went on to focus all of their attention on the stele in front of them as the speed at which they comprehended the copy technique multiplied.




(3 Hours Later)

Appearing on the porch of Saber's mansion were the figures of five lifeforms. Surprisingly, it was impossible to see their appearance, and they all did not radiate any energy whatsoever. Yet, one would have no choice but to feel that these figures seemed to be from a completely different space even if one stands next to them.

One of the figures walked up toward the door and knocked on it. Thereafter the figure of Saber's brown-haired servant made her appearance as the voice of the figure in the lead then resounded.

"The so-called son of the president. Does such a person reside in this location?" His voice seemed to be shrouded in darkness as he asked this question. The space around them grew cold when such a question was asked, but shockingly, soon after the question, someone else made his appearance.

"I think you are looking for me?" Saber said in his emotionless voice. His hollow eyes gazed toward the group with little interest visible.

He had appeared behind the servant as he then gestured for the Immortals to follow him, and even though they were slightly surprised by the fact he seemed to be the master in this house, they still followed his order even though their strength was supposedly way higher than his own.

The five figures then followed Saber up the stairs of his mansion as they soon appeared in front of Saber's room. Entering the room, the aura of the five figures changed from normal mortals to oppressive rulers as they gazed at Saber with cold eyes.

"Why are you here? No, before answering, who are you even?" The one in the lead who had a similar voice to the man that once spoke with Borden suddenly voiced toward Saber.

It was a Saber that went on to leisurely walk to a corner of his room where there was a chair and table. Sitting on it, and watching out the window while holding a cup of tea, Saber then replied.

"My name is Saber and for the reason why I am in this world, well it is obviously to become stronger." Saber replied in an emotionless voice.

The auras of the figures that we could guess to be the immortals suddenly spiked as the same voice rang throughout the room once more, this time though, it seemed more threatening.

"And what do you plan to do about the three supreme masters of our Chaos Dojo." His aura could cause any mortal to choke, yet, not even an ounce of this aura leaked out of the room, as if perfectly controlled.

"Hmm, I plan to do nothing to them. They are of no use to me..." Saber replied while sipping his tea. His eyes did not leave the view of the world outside and were somehow unaffected by the auras of the Immortals.


A cold snort left the lips of one of the other figures, as an arrogant young girly voice exited the lips of said figure.

"Once you clear the dungeons like you did last time, then we'll allow you to stay on this planet. Whatever you do, make sure as to not harm anyone on this planet.

We could simply leave it as it is, but you are after all someone not from this planet, so for the safety of the residents on our planet, you should allow us to search through your memories.

It is so that we can get a general understanding of your personality, and double-check if you truly are intent on only getting stronger." She coldly stated.

Hearing this, Saber almost broke his emotionless expression, but a calm and dazzling smile formed on his face. It was a smile that weirdly contrasted with his hollow-looking eyes. He then shifted his gaze toward the five persons in his room as he said.

"The way you make it sound, it feels almost as if you are threatening me. I am probably wrong but I suddenly feel as if you are not giving me a choice." Saber said. Thereafter, his left eye changed as his pupil took the shape of a dark purple star. His aura began spiking as the house started to violently shake.

But, before it can travel outside of the house, five even more powerful auras washed over his own aura. Instantly, Saber's aura withered away as the five immortals showcased a certain dominance that made even Saber's expression change.

"You can't fight even one of us on equal ground, yet you dare flare your mortal-level aura toward our direction. Even if you have some sort of freakish alien talent to have an aura like that while still in the mortal rank, at the end of the day, we are Immortals and can kill you at any time."

Another one of the figures stated. Instantly, Saber replied, disagreeing with such a primal way of thinking as he said.

"You're wrong." As he said these words, each of the Immortals suddenly felt someone behind them.

Shooting their gaze, they laid their eyes on the shocking scene of five Sabers with left pupils in the shape of stars gazing at them with killing intent, as Saber then said.

"Even though my strength isn't comparable to yours, by the time you could even kill me, this planet would already be destroyed by our power.

By the time you can kill me, your home would be destroyed, and all of your family, friends, and even those you don't know...all of them... gone!

And if that wasn't enough, tell me, even if Immortals such as yourself can stay alive in space for an extended period, you are after all still humans. All of your abilities would be nerfed massively by then."