
"So this is the smartest technological race under your rule?!" Saber asked when seeing the old man. The old man along with his guards was left shocked after seeing the sudden appearance of Saber and the group of Immortals.

Especially Saber since there were six Sabers. Anyone would be left speechless.

"Go back!" Saber said. Thereafter, the other Sabers re-entered the spaceship.

Calming his nerves, the old man's eyes then landed on the Immortals who ruled over even a king such as himself.

"Oh Great Immortals, welcome back to my average planet. To what do I owe the pleasure?" The old man who seemed to be the owner of this planet said with a drop of cold sweat trickling down his spine.

The cold and unfeeling gaze of Saber caused him to sweat profusely. Suddenly, the old man realized that it had gotten extremely quiet, and the atmosphere had in some way gotten even more weird and creepy. The king of this planet who had previously lowered his head when facing the true emperors had no choice but to raise his head so he could see for what reason was the atmosphere like this.


His heartbeats drummed in his chest when he saw the pair of hollow eyes staring straight at him from only a few inches away.

It seemed that before the old man nor his guards could react, Saber had appeared in front of the king of this planet and was scrutinizing him from up close. "You...I find this old man isn't all that smart-looking. Are you sure this is the person who created all of your space vessels and those space drones?..." Saber asked in an unimpressed tone.

Even though he knew the Immortals wouldn't lie to him, he still found it hard to believe that the man in front of him was even useful in anything besides being lazy. Hearing his words, the king of this planet realized that there was some sort of misunderstanding made by this new 'Immortal'.

"No, of course not. I am not the one you seem to be interested in." He said with bullets of sweat across his face as he then said. "The people who you are looking for aren't of my race, they are instead our captives." He said. And while the contents did surprise Saber slightly, he cared little for their lives.

But, thinking back to what his plans entailed, he suddenly realized that this piece of news was pretty good. "Your, captives...?" Saber asked, he was unsure of what to say, and instead gestured for the king to continue explaining. The five Immortal level lifeforms behind Saber smiled seeing Saber's confusion as Branden said.

"Yes, the true reason behind our world's technological advancement isn't this king's people, but instead are the aliens held captive at this castle's underground prison." He said as the humanoids then approached the entrance of the king's castle.

Saber remained quiet since he only snickered in his mind by the hypocrites known as the humans. They who were once angry because he used the life of the three servants as bargaining chips, now happily used other race life as tools.

The group found themselves on a massive long spiral of stairs that descended into a deep pit-like cave.

The walk descending the stairs took quite a while since the king seemed to be a normal mortal without a cultivation base causing Saber surprise once more as to how and why did the king become king in the first place with such ordinariness...

Soon, the group appeared in front of a big door that when pushed open, revealed an incredibly long hallway that was lit up with green lighting. On both walls, one can see many doors with see-through glass.

"This is the highest level of the prison where we keep the weakest prisoners. This is also the location of all the members of the Exypnos species." The king said toward Saber. "So, what you're saying is there are lower floors that contain strong prisoners in this place?..." Saber asked. Brandon then followed up.

"Yes, every evil person that is at the level of Half-step Immortal or higher, is contained here. Meaning, there are even some Immortals locked up in the lowest floors..." He said.

Saber nodded his head as he walked up to a door and peered into the other side of the glass. What he saw was a black-colored figure who looked around 4'0. It had silver-colored hands and forearms, along with a white-colored oval head. There weren't any facial features, and it was impossible to determine if it was a male or female.

"So, is this the species known as Exypnos?... Fascinating..." Saber then placed his grip on the handle of the door and slid it open. His actions surprised not only the king but also the Immortals since he never once mentioned that he wanted to meet the species.

The plan was first to fight and kill Saber in space, but that later changed when the idea of Saber only being a tsundere came into mind. Yet, now they finally began questioning the reason for him asking to meet the most advanced minds under their rule.

"Where are you going?!" Branden asked with a questioning gaze.

But, Saber didn't stop and instead ignored Branden as he appeared in front of the short humanoid member of the Exypnos species that was quietly sitting in the corner of the empty white room as it faced the plain white wall. Stooping right next to it, Saber then uttered. "Do you have emotions...?"

As Saber's words reached the creature's ears, it abruptly sat up and stared directly at Saber with clear intent obvious in its sudden movements. Even though it didn't have any eyes, Saber felt as if it could still see him as clear as day.

The Exypnos seems to understand Saber's intentions, as it simply nodded its head when hearing Saber's question, thereafter, an evil smirk went on to form on Saber's previously emotionless face.

"Do you want revenge on being locked up here?

To me, it seems that these people who call themselves humans are vile creatures.

They locked you up, along with your race and whatever family you had." Saber said. His words were only heard by the Exypnos as it nodded its head in agreement with what he said.

Seeing this, Saber stopped an incoming burst of laughter as he then followed up. "Of course, for my help, you'll have to do something for me in return...." Saber spoke in a low sinister voice before slowly standing up and leaving the room.

Branden immediately called out for Saber but before he got anywhere near him, he disappeared. Leaving them confused, confused... And shocked by Saber's actions and unclear motives.

The Exypnos on the other hand was filled with excitement and fear. Excitement because there seemed to finally be someone willing to help its poorly treated race, and fear because it did not know what Saber wanted in return.

What kind of payment could it possibly offer to repay the kindness Saber was showing to it...?

Meanwhile, Saber who had mysteriously disappeared from a Branden who began feeling a bad premonition sprouting in his chest, suddenly appeared in a completely different white room.

Inside the white room, one can see the figure of a chained two-meter tall man with golden-colored skin and one large horn in the middle of his forehead.