The End Of A Battalion

Mortal Sins... something that one wouldn't expect coming from an entity labeled as an Immortal. Yet, because of such a sin, Olivia and the rest of the members of this battalion would face untold suffering...!

Alexander's face instantly morphed into seriousness and anger when hearing Olivia's arrogance. Unlike Olivia who had an unchecked mortal sin, Alexander seemed to be in complete control of such concepts as he then uttered with slight annoyance.

"Olivia, what have I told you about arrogance. Those creatures don't feel nor do they look like an ordinary foe. Listen to me and prepare for battle...!" His aura turned cold and his eyes turned cold while saying this. Immediately after, a brown-colored weapon very similar to a Warhammer appeared in the palm of his right hand.

The 1,000 members of this battalion who stood behind him also took out their weapons from their own space rings as even the arrogant Olivia listened to Alexander's advice and also equipped herself with a scythe black-colored scythe!...


A creepy peal of laughter then resounded in the surroundings, startling Alexander along with his battalion. The red-skinned humanoids then began walking toward the Saber Force with freaky-looking smiles on their faces. It was smiles that showcased their jagged front and back rows of teeth...!


Suddenly, and without any sort of warning, all fifty of the red-skinned humanoids dashed toward the group of 1,000. The short humanoid figures who were weirdly colored in red skin held their spears tightly as they approached Alexander's men with incredible speeds, almost instantly...


Right after the short humanoid figures began approaching Alexander, they were able to instantly reach Alexander as the one who was in the lead clashed his spear with the Warhammer of Alexander! What happened after that, went on to shock every lifeform of the Saber Force present.

Olivia who stood a few meters away from Alexander, watched on with shocked and fearful eyes as Alexander's body was sent shooting across the land and Alexander then went on to impact the one thing that caused the morals of the Saber Force to immediately drop...!


Alexander's body crashed into the space vessel that was the only thing that could allow for the Saber Force to escape from any enemy and travel through space...! The shocking sight of the space vessel then going on to explode entered the eyes of all those in Alexander's battalion. The explosion shook the surrounding 10,000-meter area around the location where the battalion was present.


Standing there rooted in both shock and fear, Olivia was unable to react in time as one of the short red-skinned humanoids went on to slam its shield into Olivia's chest causing her eyes to bulge in shock and for a mouthful of blood to escape her lips.

Her body was also sent flying far into the distance over the heads of the battalion members. The power displayed by merely two of these red-skinned humanoids was soo much that these two were enough to easily defeat a pair of Immortals who were already Mid-Level Level 1 Immortal...! It was such a nonsensical amount of power that these Saber Force members were unable to comprehend it.


Because of such a shocking fact, the members of the Saber Force had found that their bodies were unknowingly and uncontrollably shaking in downright fear. Yet, even with the shocking sight of their prey shivering in fear, and unable to properly hold their weapons, the red-skinned humanoids did not stop their attack as the men and woman of Alexander's battalion were now left unprotected.

The 1,000 or so battalion members were made up of mostly Half-Step Immortals, and with their new enemies who were shockingly all high-level level 1 Immortals, how were Saber's army members ever supposed to have a fighting chance...!


The sound of spears embedding themselves into the bodies of the 1,000-man battalion could be heard as the dirt grounds began being corrupted by the blood of the fallen members of the Saber Force.


Yet, even with such sight, and with inevitable death insight, the shout of Alexander could be heard as his aura wildly flared. A golden dome was released by his body and went on to cause all lifeforms present to feel great shock and even slight apprehension.

Even the faces of the red-skinned humanoids changed when seeing such a sight as an expression of fear seemingly appeared on their creepy demonic faces.



Shocking words left Alexander's lips as in a five thousand meter area which was encased by Alexander's dome of aura, the sight of the already dead bodies of the battalion members slowly getting up to their feet could be seen as shockingly enough, one can see the red-skinned humanoids attacking each other!!...


The spears and shields of the red-skinned humanoids clashed with each other as some were sent flying multiple hundred meters away. But, Alexander's body suddenly dropped to the ground as his skin paled.


A mouthful of blood escaped his lips as his body limply dropped to the ground. The dome that previously covered a certain area instantly disappeared as the remaining thirty-three red-skinned humanoids who were alive had wrathful expressions on their faces.


With clenched teeth, the humanoid monsters gazed at the unmoving body of Alexander, and they then gazed at the still shocked battalion members. Seeing as these people were the subordinates of that Alexander, they would have no choice but to suffer their wrath.

The wild and bloodthirsty auras of the short humanoids honed in on the Saber Force and also an Olivia that was still struggling to get to her feet. Even if they weren't sure whether she was powerful, or if she had some special element like Alexander, it was better to deal with her immediately...they didn't want another unexpected event.

Yet, even with such measures to counter unexpected situations, the humanoids overlooked one small but unimaginably huge detail. They overlooked the army or more importantly, one member of the army.

It was the figure of a slightly above-average middle-aged man. The most notable feature of this man though wasn't his unusual calmness, nor was it his beautiful long hair that was tied in a ponytail, it wasn't even his aura that seemed barely visible to all present.

It was his hollow-looking eyes that were comparable to only one being that we currently knew. Yes, those hollow purple eyes of Saber and only Saber were somehow present in the eyes of a middle-aged man who looked oddly similar to a middle-aged man that Saber once shapeshifted into in the cultivation world...!!

As he gazed at the slaughter and other inappropriate things that were beginning to unfold, his hollow eyes shined with a bright light while he then uttered in a voice that wasn't heard by anyone present.

"Interesting... to think that my army found a new solar system that has life in it." He then paused while he gazed at the lands of this planet, and the skies that were dark red, akin to the skies of hell as he said.

"Hmm, this situation... these weird creatures...the aura which radiates from their bodies, all of these things. I, have already once felt it. But, is it truly what I think it is...I guess, notifying the origin is top priority..." The middle-aged man said.