
As the two attacks collided, it called forth a deafening explosion that shook the earth along with this area of the world where Saber was located. The ground cracked, and craters were formed as many more collisions between Saber's flaming vines and the boy's ice pikes took place.


Many minutes passed, and from ice shards to ice pikes, all these were sent toward Saber's flaming vines yet, it couldn't do much damage to them besides sending them off course from the boy's location.


Suddenly without warning, the boy's aura exploded outwards as the white of his eyes turned black. On his back, a pair of crystal blue wings made of ice that radiated immense coldness appeared.


With one flap of his wings, and in a flash of blue light that could blind any mortal cultivator, the boy appeared in front of Saber in less than a millisecond! It was soo quick that even before 1/1000th of a second had passed after the appearance of his wings, he had already appeared in front of Saber with his right fist already locked back.

Before Saber had time to react, the boy's right fist, which was surrounded by a blue hue, connected to Saber's face, as this time, it sent Saber flying backward at an uncontrollable speed and with blood spurting out his mouth, ears, eyes, and nose...


The sound of Saber's body crashing into multiple trees and eventually a massive rock, caused an incredibly loud explosion to occur. Now inside a crater, Saber lay in a pool of blood that exited from his body as he struggled to get up.


It pained his body to move, but he did. In order to stand to his feet once more, he underwent great effort, making a bright and dazzling smile surface on his face that was facing the ground. Resting on his knees, the voice of the boy could then be heard.

"And to think that I called others for help when I saw someone approaching me on the radar! If I had known you were this weak, I wouldn't bother my seniors...!" While appearing outside the forest and on the rocky terrain where Saber was sent flying into, the boy with those extraordinary pair of ice wings proclaimed in a voice filled with mockery.

Raising his gaze and meeting it with the gaze of the boy, Saber wiped the blood that escaped his mouth as the smile on his face only grew wider. While the white of his eyes slowly morphed into a darkness that was darker than black, Saber said to his complacent opponent.

"What makes you think that I've even been trying?" His aura exploded outward as the black ring on his finger flashed with light.

Thereafter, a golden chain appeared as if with a mind of its own, it swirled and wrapped itself around Saber's right arm while gripped tightly by his palms, a silver handle sword with a red blade reeking an aura of violence.

Seeing the new appearance of these objects, a cautious look escaped the boy's eyes as in his surroundings, a mist began permeating the ear. If one was outside the field of this mist, one would realize that the mist had covered a few kilometers of this rocky terrain and was shaped in a dome-like structure.

But, fractions of a second after the mist appeared, another dome-like structure appeared which was a darkish red color with fine lights of gold that flashed in it from time to time. This domain of Saber went on to completely overwrite that of the boy as in mere milliseconds, the mist was nowhere to be seen on the outside of the dome, and the inside...!


Appearing behind an unsuspecting ice manipulator, Saber sent a kick to the back of the boy's neck, sending him flying into the skies.

The noise of his bones cracking could cause anyone to flinch as Saber then went on to appear in front of the boy as his right hand, with a sword in hand, slashed downward sending out a dazzling silvery light that zoomed toward the boy as in a 100,000th of a second, it made contact with him.

It was soo quick that even before he had realized it, the boy was now with a missing limb as another kick from Saber then caused the boy to stop his ascension and begin his descension to the rocky ground below.


An ear-deafening explosion took place as the crater formed by the boy's impact with the ground had a depth of more than a few dozen meters. As Saber's cold eyes observed from the skies, a look of disappointment appeared on his face as he couldn't help but feel slightly annoyed.


"All that build-up, only for you to not stand a chance against me?!" But, moments after saying such words, a cold smirk once more resurfaced on his face as approaching him at speed unseeable to the normal mortal eyes, were fine ice needles that were thinner than strands of one's hair. The power they radiated though, made it obvious that they were powerful enough to penetrate Saber's skin, and seeing it, Saber now realized what had damaged him back in the mist.

With the mist as cover, his opponent was able to easily hide such small little things at a level that even his own body was unable to sense it. Now that there wasn't any mist, the previous cover these things held now disappeared. But, even if the mist wasn't present, not many in this tournament would be able to escape from the grasp of these needles as they could only wait for their inevitable defeat.

Yet, Saber still retained a calm expression. Now that the mystery behind his injuries was solved, it was time to finish this fight that he dominated once he got serious.

With minimal movement, and with his eyes closed, Saber easily evaded the attacks heading his way as the shocked figure of the boy who had long exited the crater was instantly sent flying from impact when a thick golden chain slammed him on his cheek...


A fist to the gut sent an already badly injured ice manipulator back toward the forest as the blood that was stuck in his throat escaped his mouth. His pale skin and bloodied clothing showcased his terrible situation as he hanged on to his life... if just barely.

The golden chain that seemed to have a mind of its own slithered on the ground as it approached the forest from the rocky terrain, followed by a Saber who had a casual expression on his face.

'Even if this boy who could manipulate ice held a trick or two, it seems that this is all he could muster against me... It's a pity that I didn't even need to transform into my True Form...!'

But, as he thought this, his surroundings heated up to an insane degree as his expression morphed into one of shock and confusion. A bad premonition assaulted him as he knew this wasn't his doing whatsoever...

Instantly, he shot his gaze toward the watch wrapped around his wrist where he saw an incredibly startling sight.

The blue dot that represents himself was approaching a dark red dot. Dark red, because it was to signal the situation of the person it represented, and seeing as this person was hanging on to life by a thread, it was dark red instead of bright red.

This though wasn't important since surrounding this blue dot, was the shocking sight of four bright red dots that all approached the blue dot...!

And within an instant of seeing this...