No Choice

From the eyes of the people who observed this fight, Saber's figure seemingly disappeared from its location and instantly reappeared while clashing weapons with the same figure who had just sent him flying with a kick to the neck.

Unluckily for these spectators who were left with utter excitement by the power displayed, they were unable to hear the words that the contestants spoke because of the many explosions that were continuously taking place.

"What are you?!" Saber's opponent asked as he, who went by the name Fade, had never seen a living and even non-living entity without a weak point somewhere on its body.

But Saber didn't care for his confusion and his inquiries as the ancient-looking shield in the hand of Fade was sent flying away because of a certain golden chain that seemingly had a mind of its own.

And even though Fade's companion tried to help him out by sending an attack with his spear that was surrounded by a dark aura, the path of the spear was instantly blocked by the shield that was now shockingly being wielded by... this weird golden chain born from the core of a planet back in the Solar System named Origin.


Zane, the figure who previously arrogantly proclaimed to Isabelle that she could check up on her brother while he and his teammates handle Saber, this Zane had been left in a state of utter shock by the sight that was being displayed in front of him.



But, while he was left in utter shock, his teammate, the girl with eyes that radiated a splendorous and otherworldly gold, appeared in front of him in a show of superhuman speed and pushed his body away while ducking the shield that was flung to their direction, and went on to crash into a mountain hundreds of kilometers away, releasing a massive explosion.

"What are you doing standing there, focus!" She shouted toward Zane, who had confusion written on his face. He who had not realized it had for some reason simply stood and watch as a shield that was sent with utter world-shaking power approached him, ready to obliterate his neck and kill him.

"Something isn't right here!" Zane muttered while he gazed toward Saber who was sending attack after attack with his sword toward Fade who was dodging every attack with relative ease. Yet, Fade couldn't send a counter, since, even if he could quickly pinpoint where the weak points in Saber's attacks were, he seemingly couldn't find a weak point in Saber's body.

Truly, how could he know the true power of True Lifeforms.

Those who are perfection incarnate, have no weak points. And Saber, the first True Lifeform who isn't perfect, yet is more perfect than all others...


The ground started shaking as if an earthquake had appeared as the forest which was previously shrouded in the darkness of the night, lit up brightly as if the midday sun had appeared. Along with the brightness rising, the heat also rose insanely as Saber was left alarmed by it.


Jumping some meters away from Fade who refused to give him any room to maneuver, Saber then shifted his attention toward the attack that radiated intense heat heading his way. What he saw though, was something that left him with great shock as the blade in his hand was gripped tighter whilst the golden chain appeared gripped between the palm of his left hand.

As the massive waves of water rushed toward Saber while also spitting reddish-blue flames, Fade tried to distract and attack Saber who suppressed him with merely his sword. And with the golden chain in his left hand, he swirled it with great speed as the winds churned and were shockingly able to cause a scene where the water and fire were caught in what one could only describe as a wind tornado.

But, just as it seemed like Saber had managed to survive that attack, something happened that once more shocked Saber as it was the same thing that had first happened when he had received the attack from Fade.

Just like that time, Saber realized that his movements came to an instant halt as he was now shockingly unable to move his body an inch. And because of this, a powerful punch from Fade to his chin, sent his body flashing through the forest and into the water tornado that spurted flames...

"Something isn't right with him!" Appearing together with Zane, Anastasia informed Fade of the conversation spoken with Zane previously.

Listening to the fact that Zane, the leader of this group and the person who they all acknowledged as the most powerful individual was somehow almost killed because of a rookie mistake like losing focus on a battlefield, Fade for some reason couldn't help but think back to the fact that he was unable to pinpoint a weak point on Saber's body.

This was something utterly inhuman as every human he has seen so far has multiple flaws. Even those overseers have flaws, and even though he's too weak to exploit the imperfection of the overseers, it doesn't change the fact that their bodies have flaws.

Relaying this information to his teammates, they were now more than aware that there was something much different in this entity known as Saber, compared to all other individuals they have come across. The figures of Isabelle, and the boy who could manipulate ice also appeared next to the group as they all transformed into their elemental states.

It seemed that even as unlikely as it was, these people had thought that Saber was able to survive the previous attack... And, they couldn't be more correct, as with an explosion of aura with the utmost magnificence the massive tornado of water and flames was dispersed into nothing but droplets of flaming water that evaporated before it could reach the ground.

Floating in the skies as he released an air of royalty, was the figure of E. Saber and unlike before, there wasn't any sword gripped by his palm or chain wrapped around his arm.


The power of an Immortal Cultivator...

It was something many mortals couldn't possibly wrap their minds around as many things Immortal Cultivators were able to do, were things that the normal folks simply couldn't comprehend. One of these things was the time required for thoughts and plans to be formed and assessed in the mind of an Immortal.

For example, a fraction of a millisecond was needed for Saber to asses and realize that every one of the members of this group he faced was all in their elemental states.

The boy who he had sent on the door of death was now fully healed, and to top it all off, each one of them had released their domain as it easily overpowered his own, so all the boosts of power which he previously had, was now nowhere to be as his domain wasn't present anymore.


'So much for secretly manipulating the future actions of my opponents..!' Saber thought in his mind while releasing a defeated sigh!

His thoughts would shock most who were able to peer into his mind but it shouldn't shock those who followed his journey since he had devoured a world filled with golden blood humans able to manipulate destiny, as he then said in his mind...

'Leviathan, I'm sure you know what I want, those people aren't allowed to see any further into this fight because, I've got no choice, but to use "that"