Chapter 181: Trickster Vs Gold (Part 2)

With his only remaining arm, Dawn pointed his palms toward the skies and shouted.





While floating in the skies, El couldn't prevent the haughty smile that surfaced on her face. Watching how Dawn smashed her clone's body into a bloody mush, and how he had once again let his guard down, El suddenly felt as if her opponent hadn't even battled in his life before.

"I guess, I should teach him a lesson..." El uttered. A playful smile appeared on her face as she manipulated her energy once more, as right after, another clone, quite similar to herself, appeared next to her and began descending incredibly quickly toward Dawn.

Right after landing on the surface, behind Dawn, it used energy to form an energy blade that, when slashed, utterly sliced Dawn's left arm cleanly. This clone then dispersed into smoke as the energy contained inside it rushed toward El's body.

Though she was strong, her current insight into her element didn't allow her to use this many abilities without a price. This price being, the more techniques she used, the more energy she exerted, and with this body, inside Virtual Reality, she had already lost more than 50% of her energy.

Suddenly, her wicked smile froze as Dawn screamed in what seemed to be anger rather than pain. It slightly surprised El as she couldn't understand why this Dawn had that reaction as if he had suffered some sort of humiliation.

'Is he some higher-up's descendant..?' She thought. But, she didn't have time for her thoughts to grow as instantly after Dawn shouted the words "TRUE GOLD, FULL POWER!!" what appeared in El's vision were countless golden metal beams sprouting out of the ground below.

What actually surprised El wasn't the beams shooting out of the ground, but the quantity. It wasn't merely around Dawn that the beams shot out the ground from...

No, not even close...

The whole city...

Every street that connected throughout the city...

Every building that had metal...

Every piece of metal inside the city, after being strengthened by Dawn's energy, instantly shot toward the skies.

Hundreds of kilometers into the skies, these beams continued to grow stronger and faster until...


Hitting against the upper limit that was in this Virtual World, yet, even though basically everywhere inside this city and in the skies over the city was ever-present with metal beams, Dawn didn't have a smile on his face since he still didn't see nor hear the sight nor sound of metal penetrating the flesh of his enemy!

"This..." He uttered.

This only meant one thing...

His opponent was right above him!!

'Able to completely conceal yourself even if I stare straight at you!' Dawn thought. It was a truly troublesome ability, but now that all other paths and possible locations were blocked off because of the omnipresent gold, this skill was now fully useless.

And, El knew this!

"Haha, good luck trying to block this!!" El shouted as the energy she used to block Dawn's senses from being able to see her was converted to even more energy into the beam that now approached Dawn...

The moment Dawn began his nigh omnipresent attack, El instantly understood that she was in trouble. Using the 40% of the energy that she had, she immediately created a beam of concentrated energy that, for her, should be enough to kill Dawn.

Because her element wasn't for head-on battles, the only attack that she had which was strong enough to kill Dawn in an instant, was this, normal energy beam, an attack that anyone who can use Atomic Energy and Sage Energy, can perform.

This attack El used wasn't anything special, yet it contained 40% of the energy of a Level 1 Earth Immortal, and even Level 3 Earth Immortals, if they were caught unguarded, then they too could be instantly obliterated by such an attack.

The previous ability used by Dawn, was "TRUE GOLD, FULL POWER"... It was an ability that El thought was something that sapped most of the energy Dawn had. And if so, this attack she had just sent, would definitely be enough to defeat Dawn, since he wouldn't have anything to use to block her attack.

But, what she didn't know was the fact that Dawn's insight into the element Gold wasn't anything to scoff at. And once the insight was deep enough, to use an attack, one would need to use merely a fraction of energy, yet they would be able to bring about the full power of said attack.

The reason Dawn's insights into the Gold element were profound, much more profound than any other competitor's insight into their element, was mainly because Dawn's true element, "REALITY" was an element hundreds of times harder to comprehend.

It was an element that was the combination of all the natural elements of the universe...

To comprehend "REALITY" was comparable to comprehending the multiple elements that make up the Universe...

The only person who could compare Dawn's insights in Gold would be Saber's insights in Flames.

Well, this was what the duo, Dawn and Saber thought, as they both unknowingly looked down on the other human geniuses...

Because of this, Dawn, who had just used "TRUE GOLD, FULL POWER" still had more than 95% of his energy remaining...


This was exactly the reason for the tournament to be in Virtual Reality.

It was to see who had such deep insights that they basically held infinite energy compared to the normal Geniuses.

Seeing this attack approaching, Dawn snickered coldly as his eyes contained traces of insanity.!

Pointing his finger toward the beam of energy...


The whole city shook powerfully as a golden beam of energy radiating immensely concentrated power shot toward the incoming beam of dark energy from El.


As the two energies collided, an apocalyptic explosion capable of bursting the eardrums of mortals, occurred. Immediately after contact with each other, the winner was already decided...

El watched in shock, confusion, and disbelief as Dawn's energy blast easily penetrated and dispersed her energy beam, as it quickly approached her!!



Before she could even register what happened, El's consciousness turned black, leaving Dawn alone in the Virtual World.

"Disperse..." Dawn uttered. Instantaneously, the nigh omnipresent gold dispersed into golden particles that rushed toward Dawn, immediately raising his energy level. Not only that but, the energy blast that had dispersed El's energy beam, and utterly obliterated El's body, made a swift 360 midair and rushed back into Dawn's body.


"Besides the 2% of energy I've lost from this battle, there's also the fact that in my carelessness, I also lost an arm." He mumbled.


"To think these lesser beings would hurt the Divine Prince..." Dawn uttered shocking words as a screen appeared in his view.

On the holographic screen, a countdown began.






Thereafter, Dawn's vision momentarily turned blank.




Opening his eyes, he found himself in a meditative position, next to him was Saber on his right side, and on his left was Ash, along with Spade who sat at the furthest corner of the room.

Besides the three who were still seemingly in deep meditation, clearly still in the competition, Dawn realized that Liam was nowhere to be seen.


Standing to his feet, he was about to exit his room, but that was when...


An aura washed over his body, causing him to shockingly drop to his knees.

Yet, what shocked him, even more, was the fact that this aura didn't intend to attack him, no, it wasn't even focused on him, yet he was forced to his knees!