Chapter 195: Something Other Than A Demon!!!

"Now, little copy, let me show you the power of Star Transformation Ascended!!!"




Milky Way Galaxy-North Side...

Hovering above a glistening golden coffin was a transcendent beauty with gold hair. She was adored in a golden robe that tightly wrapped around her alluring body. Any man who laid eyes on her would feel their blood boil as their little brother would immediately evolve into a sturdy man.

Opening her eyes, revealing a pair of moist golden pupils, she couldn't help stop the tears that escaped each side of her eyes as a cold yet confused expression was present on her face. Her heart was beating extremely quick in her chest, threatening to jump out, as her pores rose.

What she had just seen...

It was something that caused great dread right in the depth of her soul. It was something that may be taking place sooner than she would like to think, and what had been seen by her, was something that involved the obliteration of all the humans inside this Galaxy.

What she saw wasn't simply her death, no, it was the death of all five Human leaders situated inside the galaxy, along with all living lifeforms!

The part which caused her the greatest shock though was that this terrifying fate wasn't caused by the Demons who were outside their galaxy, ready to break in any time soon, but it was caused by something much scarier, ferocious, and utterly inhuman yet, from what she could see before her vision disappeared, this something, had a human-like appearance. She couldn't see its face, but she knew whatever it was, it had the body of a Human with the soul of something else.

Waving her hand, a golden door appeared in front of her, and she instantly opened it, revealing a golden pathway, and walked inside without hesitation.



"Leader, you must ask the Higher-Ups to come. I've already seen it, the outcome of this war. Though we will win, something much worse will come our way... Something that will destroy us all!!!"

The golden-haired female begged while bowing her head to the Lord of the Galaxy. There was a mysterious silvery light blocking his face, but, if someone was present, even if they were unable to see his expression, something would tell them that this Galactic Lord was rageful.


"Do you think we can ask those Higher-Ups for help? When they come, wouldn't all the merit for slaying the Demons, that we would have previously gotten, be taken by those bastards? I don't care if you cultivate some destiny element or not, no matter what comes, I'll destroy it!!!"

As he said those words, his majestic aura burst forth and fell onto the golden-haired female's body, causing the floor under her to form countless cracks. Instantly after, it disappeared as the Galactic Lord calmed himself and said...

"Plus, with those geniuses entering the Heavenly Mystic Domain, once they don't run into each other, then I'm sure they all would come back out alive. By that time, we would have 20 Profound Immortals, plus us five Lords. I don't believe that neither the Demons nor this thing you say will cause us our deaths, can compare to me and the other Profound Immortals!!"

The Lord said with confidence practically oozing from his aura, causing the golden-haired Lord of the North Side to nod her head with a bitter smile on her face. Though she could as well contact the Higher-Ups, after dealing with that fiend, she would have a troublesome life. She wasn't that righteous to risk her life for the mortal humans.

If push came to shove, she would find a way to survive, she has always found a way after all.

"Anyway, how long can the galactic barrier hold out?" The Lord asked her casually.

"Five years minimum!" She replied with a now emotionless voice.



"We're waiting..." He said while drawing Liam's attention. "We're waiting for 'it' to appear. When a magic treasure is born, there normally is a test to obtain it. The more powerful this treasure is, the harder the test will be and the higher the chance you'll need to work together for most of the test!"

While saying this, two more figures made their appearance and approached the group, making the number of people present, finally reach exactly fifty. Unlike Liam, they seemed experienced as they had warm smiles on their faces.


Suddenly, the ground began shaking in the surrounding million kilometers squared. As if there was a devastating earthquake, many cracks formed on the ground and it began splitting as chasms formed.

Hundreds of kilometers away, a certain black blade that was embedded into the ground, and large enough to reach the clouds, suddenly vibrated violently before dismantling into countless smaller, two-meter swords that penetrated the sound barrier and disappeared from Liam's alert senses.

Needless to say, all the other members in the group were also unable to sense the swords yet, their expressions remained calm as if expecting this scene. Seeing this, Liam also calmed his heart since it seemed this was a common occurrence.


Suddenly, the minds of all present blanked for a second. Though he knew he was still conscious, and completely fine, somehow, his surroundings turned utterly dark. It was as if the sun, moon, and stars disappeared. As if everything returned to nothingness.

Right after, his vision returned and a shocked expression appeared on Liam's face. He had appeared in a mysterious passageway with a width of merely three meters, barely any room to have a battle if there was ever one. On either side were stone walls that had mysterious markings that released a sharp intent.

Even though he was confused, the mysterious feeling of being drawn to something took his attention away from the walls as he began walking deep into the passageway. With visible excitement, Liam went deeper into the darkly lit passage as a growing expectation began budding in his heart.

This was the first opportunity he was about to get. This was the first opportunity this Heavenly Mystic Domain was about to give to an influential figure who would soon participate in an earth-shaking war that'll define the fate of many mortals.



BAM!! BAM!!! BAM!!!!

Countless explosions rang throughout the mysterious infinite space as the shockwaves shattered the cores of many stars as the once previously beautifully lit space filled with many stars, was now an apocalyptic dying universe.

The cause was two figures in the center who exchanged punch after punch with one another. One was a red-skinned humanoid with otherworldly devilish allure. Though he was humanoid, he didn't look like a human whatsoever, with two horns, a bone crown tainted in blood, elf-like ears, and demonic markings under his eyes, he radiated with a ferocious and bloodthirsty aura.

His opponent, similarly to himself was an incredibly alluring figure. His attractiveness was multiplied by the flamboyant short golden hair and piercing golden pupils. On his back was a golden left wing and a dark flaming right wing as he to radiated with immense bloodlust.

Now using all his elements to their maximum ability, Paragon Saber's ability to constantly evolve was multiplied tens of times by the Invincibility element which he devoured a long time ago. His power now could finally put up with Origin Saber...

Well, at least it would seem that way. The invincibility element would make the user stronger once it fought against someone who was higher in strength than the user. The more prolonged the fight was, the faster the disparity in strength between both would shrink until...

Paragon Saber's strength completely surpassed Origin Saber's!!!