An Adventurer


It was the only word that came to mind when Oblivion's eyes landed on the interior of the building.

As he entered, he was met with dozens of humanoid figures. All were at least Earth Immortals and they went about their business. The space was hundreds of meters big and decorated in obsidian black which had countless glowing gems in it.


Suddenly, an incredibly beautiful scent entered Oblivion's nose. He felt as if his soul was being soothed by it. His eyes lit up with curiosity. If it was him before entering the Heavenly Mystic Domain, he would be unable to recognize where he was and what the scent is, but he did have the experience and memories of the man he had devoured some time back.

'This scent... A Soul Healing pill... and one of such a level that it can affect even my soul!' Right after, his expression changed. The Sword tied to his waist suddenly began vibrating wildly. No one had been paying attention to Oblivion before, but the humming sound from his blade garnered the attention of most close by.

Through using the mental connection he had with the Sword, Oblivion was able to calm it, and also understand what had caused the sudden outburst. This mental connection was important, if he hadn't had it, the Sword wouldn't have recognized him as its master.

Luckily, even though it had changed plenty, his soul was still that of Saber. It was simply something much more than just Saber yet, it still had remnants of Saber's existence, hence the reason the Sword made by the Omniscient being was willing to recognize Oblivion as the master.

After understanding the situation, Oblivion revealed a dazzling smile. Unluckily for the beings who surrounded Oblivion and were taken aback by his sword's buzzing sound, when their eyes locked onto Oblivion's face, and the dazzling smile that suddenly appeared, no matter if it was man or woman, they were left dazzled and paralyzed.

Seeing this, Oblivion's smile disappeared as he strolled past them and approached the front desk which was tens of meters long and organized by multiple receptionists. Walking up toward the free receptionist, Oblivion then uttered in a cold voice.

"Excuse me, where is the Mission Hall? I'm new to this city, so I'm not aware of the locations of any of the Main Halls." Oblivion said confidently while repeating word for word the poor fellow he devoured had said when he was a newbie.

Hearing his voice, the woman behind the desk, whose eyes were closed and had a calm expression on her face, shot open her eyes as an intimidating aura descended onto Oblivion's body! Though unaffected, Oblivion was left speechless by her reasoning for doing this, but he didn't care to ask.

Seeing that her aura didn't affect the being in front of her, she suddenly grew interested as she then gazed closely at his features when suddenly...

'Huh? Why does he look soo... beautiful?' The female worker thought. She who had been working in this place for over eight thousand years had never seen someone so handsome and beautiful at the same time.

If one wasn't careful, one would think Oblivion was a female. His attractiveness perfectly blended with a seductive mysterious air that permeated around him, giving one a sudden desire when they gazed at the pair of unnaturally black eyes.

"Hello? Anyone there?!" Suddenly, Oblivion's voice resounded in her mind, bringing her back to reality. In all fairness, she wasn't all that average, one can say she was above average in terms of beauty, but when compared to Oblivion, she didn't even have the qualification to be considered average.


"Hmm, yes, it seems you're new here, otherwise I'm sure much gossip would have already spread through the city. Anyway, since you're interested in the Mission Hall, it means you lack money, and if you lack money, you're probably not going to be willing to buy a map so..." She said while the ring on her index finger released a faint white light.

"Take this... Consider this as my gift to you for choosing Slaughter Dragon Safe Zone!" She said while giving Oblivion a scroll-like object. Understanding what it was, Oblivion nodded his head with a smirk on his face, once more shocking the woman. Oblivion's figure turned around before exiting the doors which he came from, reappearing in the city streets.

"What a hotty!!" Suddenly, a voice entered the female's ears. Immediately, her face turned cold as she turned around to look at her acquaintance, a bust and seductive woman who was the main fantasy of most if not all the men in this Hall, suddenly embraced the female receptionist's arm.

"What does a slutty bitch like you want with him! Clearly, he is a refined person who would never be interested in you!" The receptionist uttered with disgust toward the person who had rushed toward her. This person though didn't seem to take on what the receptionist said as her eyes were focused on the door that was now closing.


Some time had passed since Oblivion had gotten the map of the city. It was a fairly detailed map and allowed Oblivion to gain some idea about the city. It was a city that was incredibly large hundreds of kilometers big and home to many cultivators from multiple Galaxies of the human race.

Luckily, there were hundreds of different organizations with hundreds of different Safe Zones throughout Heavenly Mystic Domain, otherwise, the city wouldn't be able to hold all the cultivators from all the different Galaxies.

Anyway, Oblivion had already visited the Mission Hall. After skipping the shocked faces, he looked for a mission, and even though he had found one that was considered B Class and was giving a good reward, the receptionist he had met at the Mission Hall declined for him to take it on simply because he wasn't yet a so-called adventurer.

So now, Oblivion appeared in front of the doors to the Registration Hall.

According to the information he had gotten, the Registration Hall would assess the battle capability of the person who wishes to become an adventurer. After the assessment, one would be given a rank.

The ranks went...

D Class-Earth Immortal Level 1-3

C Class-Earth Immortal Level 4-6

B Class-Earth Immortal Level 7-9

B+ Class-Pseudo Profound Immortal

A Class-Profound Immortal Level 1-3

S Class-Profound Immortal Level 4-6

SS Class-Profound Immortal Level 7-9


It was stated that the Leader of the Slaying Dragons Safe Zone was an SS Class Adventurer. If that was truly the case, Oblivion quickly understood that he couldn't wantonly kill whoever he so pleased inside this city.

This was specifically the reason why he had chosen to enter the city and investigate. Firstly, it was to understand what power this city held, secondly, it was to see if the city was anything like the city the man he devoured had visited. Thirdly, if it was similar to the memories, then he would slowly raise his Class and in that time complete many missions.

As for the Alchemy Hall, the money he'll earn from completing the missions would be used by pills which will in turn help the development of the Sword. If what the Sword had conveyed to him through Mental Connection was true, then his Sword would be able to grow stronger and to a higher class of weapon very quickly!!

All these thoughts flowed through Oblivion's mind in hundredths of a second as he pushed open the door that would be the gateway to many things which will be important to the future of even Humanity itself.