A Fat Lamb


Oblivion heaved a sigh while gazing toward the direction of the whirlpool of darkness as he mumbled seemingly to his sword.

"Little guy, all the Sage Energy Pills I've bought have already finished."

"If we want more, then we'll need to do another mission. And seeing as B-rank Sage Energy Pills aren't going to be enough to evolve you into a High-Level Weapon, I'll accept a B+ mission so that we can get a higher level of Sage Energy Pills!"

And while Oblivion said this, the Sword vibrated lightly as if it was agreeing to what Oblivion said while the darkness whirlpool hovering over the blade was seemingly sucked into the blade.

The room, which had previously seemed to have no light whatsoever, as if the light had been sucked out by something, this room now regained its previous lighting from the moon that penetrated through the glass window.

As the light from the moon descended onto Oblivion's beautiful features, half of his face was covered by a dark shadow.

In this dark shadow, the area where his left eye would be, a streak of thick and condensed killing intent shot out as a cold sensation went on to permeate the air throughout the entirety of the room.

Luckily, no living soul was present, otherwise, they would have been scared shitless by Oblivion's primal killing intent.

A cold and aloof voice resonated throughout the room.

"By now these people should have already spread my merits and many rumors should have spread through the city. Hehe, I simply hope whatever these people decide to do, it is at the very least, interesting."

While saying this, Oblivion's figure appeared at the window as he gazed toward the city in his vision. His gaze stretched to the other end of the hundreds of kilometers of city buildings.

Everything seemed to be inside his vision. As if he was the supreme overseer and no one person's actions would go unnoticed, Oblivion didn't seem like a mortal at the moment nor did he seem like a mere Immortal cultivator.

Something great had changed after Saber had become Oblivion. What he experienced was something that no one, not even Zeno or any being higher than him, had possibly predicted.

Though they didn't know, they, and every other being, were in for a great surprise...



"So, is it true or not..?" A cold yet seductive voice rang out in the room. Sitting on a large golden chair was a beautiful figure with curves in all the right places. Her smooth jade-like skin and pair of hazel eyes could seemingly seduce any man.

For she was the Golden Serpent. It was completely normal for her to trap any man and control him completely...

Right at this moment, the pair of hazel eyes coldly gazed toward the two figures who knelt before her while beads of sweat dripped down their spine. Both were also female, one was a busty female and even though she too was an enchantress, she was still a league or two below the one sitting on the golden chair.

Kneeling next to this busty lady was a more refined and aloof female with long black hair and black eyes. Though her appearance seemed ordinary, or slightly above average, she had a beautiful temperament a few times higher than the busty lady next to her.

At this moment though, both allure nor temperament couldn't save them as they could only answer truthfully to the great being in front of them. If not, they could kiss that peaceful and easy-going receptionist job goodbye as merely living might not be the case.

The receptionist which had first introduced Oblivion to the city by giving him a map was the first to talk as she said.

"Even though he is an A-rank Adventurer, and even though he does do missions solo, the rumors are still a little too exaggerated. He did finish missions quickly, but it still took him a few days to finish the D-rank mission, and the B-rank ones take him a week each, not a day!"

Though she faced a power expert of the Profound Immortal realm, this receptionist lied with a straight face as she tried defending Oblivion.

Whether it was because she had fallen for him, or because she was genuinely a good person, the reason behind risking her life for Oblivion who more than likely will never come to know of this...

It was something beyond the comprehension of the busty girl next to her as this one said to the great being on the golden chair.

"I'm sorry for my sister's falseness but, yes, this Oblivion has been just as exaggerated as the rumors make him out to believe."

"Not only that but, I think he carries around a super good treasure, probably that sword, maybe it's a High-Level Weapon capable of something special."

"Not only did his aura or presence not raise even after buying soo many Sage Energy Pills, but his sword has begun releasing a mysterious presence over the past couple of weeks!!" She said.

Adventures normally have name tags on their chest, along with their galaxy of origin, hence the reason this woman knew. The only reason one wouldn't have it on their chest would be if it had been destroyed in a battle, in which case, one would need to go register once more.

While she sold her sister completely, in her mind.

'I'm sorry little sis but this is necessary. Maybe because of my truthfulness, maybe the great master would forgive your lies and allow for us to live...' She thought while glancing at her sister who only glared at her with tears in her eyes.

Hearing her words, the great being's hazel eyes released a subtle killing intent before she tapped her hand lightly on the armrest.


Thereafter, a mysterious force shot toward the heads of both sisters in an instant. These two sisters didn't even suspect anything. Before they could even perceive before their brains could register the sound of the tap, their heads had already been severed.


Their bodies dropped to the ground in a light thud as a pool of blood stained the floor. Their unsightly bodies now caused an expression of disgust to surface on the face of the great being sitting on the golden chair.

While closing her eyes, suddenly, a dim light appeared in front of her as another figure, exactly like she was formed. The only difference was the fact that this one seemed almost transparent.

This was a special skill of Profound Immortals, with their immense Sage Energy, they could allow for a copy of their soul to exit their Mind Domain as it could contact any other soul inside a certain vicinity.

"Though this Oblivion may not be of use to me, his weapon will be useful. Yet, there is always the possibility that something unexpected might happen, so I should get help from another Profound Immortal!!"

She mumbled to herself while closing her eyes. The spirit form of herself then mysteriously disappeared.



"What you're saying is, we've got ourselves a fat lamb?" A man with short black hair and red eyes said with a wicked grin on his face. This man was called Red Eye Berserker. His pair of blood-red eyes gave most who have come across him nightmares and the berserker way of fighting caused many to gain tremendously critical injuries upon coming in contact with him.

Right now, his focus was on Oblivion, or more importantly, his treasure.