High-Level Sealing Array Treasure

Bending over, one of the figures placed a green-colored pill in Golden Serpent's mouth, as an influx of energy suddenly churned in the surrounding area.

While this was happening, Oblivion completely understood the situation as he also took out a few green pills from the pouch on his waist which was normally hidden by his red overcoat on his back

Throwing it in his mouth, he realized this was the first time he was about to feel the effects of these so-called healing pills.

Although he previously bought healing pills of every level such as D-rank, C-rank, and B-rank, he had never found the need to swallow them.

Closing his eyes, he awaited the magical effects that should be taking place...



A confused expression descended on his face as he suddenly realized that nothing occurred. Not the so-called healing nor was he able to draw in the energy of his surroundings. The latter, he expected, but he had also at the very least expected to be healed.

The others, along with Golden Serpent who slowly got up to her feet, all gazed at Oblivion with the same shock. They had also seen him take a few healing pills, and from the energy it radiated, it was clear they were of a very high level.

But, moments after appearing in Oblivion's palm, the energy suddenly disappeared from their senses. Seeing Oblivion swallow soo many Healing Pills, they thought he was unaware of how much energy it contained and they awaited his body exploding from too much energy.

Yet, contrary to their expectation, he did not explode. Instead... nothing whatsoever took place. He did not explode, nor did his injuries show any sign of healing. Each of the six who gazed toward Oblivion could not help the smile that slowly crept on their face.

"It seems the heavens are helping us!"

"Hmph! Of course, they are... this one doesn't even bleed, can't you see his blood disappears once it loses contact with his body."

"On top of that, look at those eyes... Though I hate to admit, just looking at them, I feel fear from the depths of my soul... He's definitely not a human!!"

"Huh? Don't they say that demons also make others feel an instinctive fear whenever they make their presence known..."

"An abomination that even the neutral heavens want dead... Hehe, maybe after killing this demon the heavens would bless us with great fortune!"

All five Pseudo Profound Immortals conveyed their views. The last sentence attracted everyone's attention as upon processing what the with black hair said, their killing intent suddenly spiked!

It wasn't new to them. It was quite a well-known secret among Immortal cultivators higher than the Earth Immortal realm. If the Cosmic Will wanted someone dead, wherever this person went, he would always end up in confrontation.

The woman with golden hair who had now retained her previous beauty darted her eyes toward Oblivion as they contained madness. Now that she had once more regained her full power from the healing pill she once more began to transform into her elemental state.

She didn't bother saying any words. The previous humiliation... It didn't sit well with her and she needed to vent her anger on someone. Who was better to vent her anger out on more than the actual cause of her anger?

But, Oblivion sensed it already. Though he didn't have his sword in hand since he needed to let it go to land the consecutive quick punches on the golden-haired woman's face, this didn't stop him as his figure immediately disappeared from the eyes of the Pseudo Profound Immortals currently with arrogant smiles of excitement on their face.

Oblivion's figure passed them in an instant, without their notice. Golden Serpent, whose sclera had now morphed black and hazel orbs had now turned gold couldn't help but stop her transformation halfway while parrying the punch from Oblivion with her both hands, just barely.


The noise awoke them from their previous state as they quickly turned around, only to find blurry figures constantly exchanging moves. Their figures were blurry but it was still possible to just barely catch sight of them. A chill ran down their spine!

If Oblivion was this strong in his current state... How was he if he had already been in his elemental state when he didn't have any injuries... Wouldn't they have been slaughtered without any chance of possible resistance? Five Pseudo Profound Immortals and a Low-Level Level 3 Profound Immortal were all wondering the same thought.


"Hurry. Pour your energy in 'that' treasure!" The Golden Serpent shouted. This brought the five out of their state of fear as the backup plan they had just in case things went south, once more gave them some shred of confidence.

Immediately, while the two were fighting, the one who had the most authority suddenly took out a disk-shaped silver object from his Space Ring. Immediately, all five poured their energy into it as the 'treasure' began drawing it rapidly from their bodies.


Oblivion snorted coldly. He wasn't simply going to watch as they prepared the supposed countermeasure. 'Did they think he would allow that... or were they confident this woman would fend me off?' Oblivion thought as he instantly sent a kick toward the woman's neck...


She was sent flying... 'It seems they underestimated my strength.' He thought before dashing toward the group of five a few tens of meters away. But...


A brilliant dazzling black light with countless dots in it suddenly caused Oblivion to cover his eyes by the mere brightness. At that moment, the treasure flew into the skies as darkness suddenly descended.

"Huh?! Wouldn't you all be trapped too!!" Oblivion quickly understood from the memories he had absorbed what situation he was in. But, his eyes grew wide when the five Pseudo Profound Immortals took out from their space ring a talisman with intricate writing. Turning his gaze, Golden Serpent also had one in her hand as they all crushed it.

As their figures turned illusionary, Gold Serpent said.

"Hehe... Thank you for punching my face like that... To do so with the only remaining arm you've got, you needed to let go of your sw..." But, before she could finish, her figure completely disappeared. Oblivion however quickly understood what she wanted to say.

His expression was dark. Not from the fact that he understood those people were about to try to steal his sword... Not from that since his sword would never be used by someone who wasn't its master.

His dark expression was caused by the surroundings he found himself in. It was a seemingly infinite space without any walls. The surroundings were dark, filled with a void of space, and the only other thing is the countless dotted lights...

Oblivion immediately understood he was inside a Sealing Array Treasure and a High-Level one at that. It couldn't be a Low-Level otherwise his Negation would easily cancel it, and it couldn't be of a higher grade since those Pseudo Profound Immortals would be unable to manipulate.


'I was too careless in the first place.' Oblivion thought as the spiraling black and white circle in his eye sockets disappeared, returning to a hollow eye socket.

'Firstly, I'll wait for my body to heal... While doing that.' Oblivion sat in a meditative position as his consciousness faded.


Appearing already standing on a white stair, Oblivion looked down where he saw a few hundred steps that lead to a white floor without end. Looking up, he was only able to see absolutely nothing besides the white stairs that lead to nowhere... It seemed infinite!