True Destructive Power

The lustrous red sun shone on the souls on the Fourth Floor of hell.

In the skies of a Desert Region of the Fourth Floor, countless Level 3 Profound Immortals fought against an incredibly powerful Peak Level 3 Profound Immortal woman.

Yet, their battle wasn't the one that decided the fate of the other as a much more terrifying event was taking place down below.

On the earth below, hundreds of deep chasms could be seen but, in the center of it all, a particular massive hole in the earth that seemed to have an infinite depth was present.


It was merely a beam of condensed flame energy but, with the fusion of tens of members of the Sand Demon race, all their comprehension of the element of fire multiplied, and to top it off, their King, who had the best potential in comprehending flames was the one they all fused into.

Right now, what was walking in the desert wasn't a mere Profound Immortal at the Sixth Level...

What was walking was a total abomination with an array of destructive attacks that boosted his strength to something that wasn't in the realm of Profound Immortals. Right now this Sand Demon King was in the realms of power only possessed by Pseudo Golden Immortals!!!

Saber, somewhere down inside the massive abyss, got up to his feet as his left arm which had just been pulverized in an instant, suddenly grew back. On his back, a pair of bloody red feathered wings flapped once and brought Saber to the top of the abyss, eye level with Sand Demon King.

Seeing his re-emergence from the pit of darkness, Sand Demon King smirked coldly while saying.

"We are not the same anymore... This fight... your chances of winning is zero!!" And as his words exited one of his many mouths, this king raised his palms to the sky before...


Saber watched as what seemed to be drops of flames rained down from the skies. Each contained power that sent Saber's alarm bells into overdrive as Saber Instantaneous Reaction went to work.

Saber's figure blurred before...

One thousand...

Multiple thousands of afterimages suddenly appeared as Saber's speed was soo quick that he seemed to be everywhere inside a hundred-thousand-kilometer distance. But, his face was utterly cold and serious as he dodged each drop of yellowish-red flame that, upon contact with the surface...

Boom Boom Boom!!!

Thousands of explosions rang... each one as deafening as the other... capable of sending any mortal deaf and any earth immortal dead in its presence.

The countless drops of flames finally ended leaving a desert filled with countless massive holes on the surface... Saber... He was present on the land, around him were multiple deep craters that had burnt marks around them.

Seeing Saber still alive and as persistent as when he had just begun fighting, the Sand Demon King was slightly annoyed.

"Hehe... It seems you're a little more annoying than I expected... Maybe, I should increase my attacks a little..!" As he said this, suddenly, the ground began shaking wildly as the sand trembled and Saber felt trepidation.


Suddenly grabbing his feet... a pair of hands made out of sand pulled him down under the surface.


Saber grunted as he felt sand continuously entering through his seven orifices.

A weird feeling engulfed him as for the first time he sensed what it meant to be stifled.

He didn't need air but with the sand entering his body, he felt heavy, unable to move, and in pain as his body bulked up and seemed to be ready to explode.

As the pain deepened, the sword in his hand suddenly began lighting up as if alive as a silvery hue of majestic light coated Saber's humanoid figure inside the sea of endless sand.



Saber gave out a loud bellow as an explosion of the utmost grand aura took place. A silver aura shot to the skies that were released from Saber's body as the sword in his hand suddenly seemed to have disappeared.

Though it was obvious Saber was griping something, there was nothing in his grip. The Sand Demon king a few hundred meters away had a confused expression as Saber then shouted in a deep voice...

{Ultimate Sword Art... Slashing Stars}

Raising his hand to the skies, Saber then yanked it back down to earth as a silvery white light that glowed brightly rushed toward Sand Demon King in an instant. The space seemed to be cut in half as it appeared right in front of Sand Demon King before he could even move.


Golden blood sprayed all over the king's surroundings as he darted his eyes to where his three left arms were only to find up to his shoulder was missing... But, in this instant, he suddenly heard the words of Saber once again but this time...

{Ultimate Sword Art... Void Cut}

Saber's figure teleported some hundred meters behind Sand Demon King as he already sent a slash of dark light that broke any laws of speed and distance before Saber had even fully hacked at Sand Demon King, the dark light had already sliced the right arms of Sand Demon King.


This time it was Sand Demon King who grunted in pain as Saber's words entered his ears.

"Millions of scenarios... and you died every time yet you dare say my chances of winning were null, oh my, how ignorance is bliss..."

The weird thing about this voice was that it seemed to come from both above and below as Sand Demon's many eyes already pictured the sight of Saber's emotionless eyes gazing at him...

Saber, who appeared both above him and below him at the same time suddenly moved his lips...

{Ultimate Sword Art... Open Chaos}


Rushing toward the Sand Demon King... two long lights that were pitch black yet had countless bright lights in them...

Instead of slicing the king of the Sand Demon race in half, these two lines of chaotic sword light engulfed and devoured the Sand Demon King's body!!!



Hovering over the sand that constantly refilled the multiple chasms, Saber calmly observed Adrianna's battle against tens of Sand Demons but...

Suddenly, a light shot out of his chest as Leviathan appeared.

"Huh? Master, why didn't you use such powerful techniques when fighting Oblivion?" Leviathan asked in confusion. Surely with such powerful techniques, Saber would have won...

Hearing the name Oblivion, Saber, who previously had a calm expression, immediately changed as his body unconsciously trembled.


"At the time I was merely a True Earth Immortal..."

"Not only were my transformations not able to show their full power... not even a little. My comprehension in the way of the sword was also not up to the mark."

"Maybe I could have created the first technique I used today at the time but, it would not be possible to match up against Oblivion."

Leviathan then quickly followed up, "So what about now... Do you think you can defeat him..?"


"Defeat him... Of course... If it truly comes to a fight right now... I can utterly crush him in my palms!"



Cultivating inside an empty room, Oblivion suddenly opened his eyes, revealing his pitch-black pupils as he rubbed his nose before...


"Hmm... Is someone talking about me..?" As Oblivion uttered this, he then stood to his feet before his figure disappeared...

Reappearing at the edge of what seemed to be a balcony, his eyes laid on what seemed to be a massive waterfall...

And when I say massive it is simply indescribable...

Bigger than worlds!!!

"So we've reached... the barrier to the Inner Region of Heavenly Mystic Domain!!"