Heavenly Mystic Domain: Inner Sector (1)


Every ornament, even the ground, everything present in the large exquisitely decorated room shook as cracks formed on the ground.

All caused a levitating figure in a meditative position with short white hair. Oblivion slowly opened his eyes as a smirk surfaced on his face.

"Five months..."

"Five months and I've finally entered the Second Level Earth Immortal realm..."


Before leaving with the City Lord and others, Oblivion had re-entered the forest, where all of the counterparts of his counterpart resided along with his counterpart.

Since he was risking his life here, he only left a random counterpart of his counterpart in the case that he and his counterpart and the many other copies in his space ring were to die.

Of course, it normally would be impossible for a normal creature to survive inside a space ring where time doesn't exist.

If a normal lifeform did what Oblivion's counterpart and his clones did, well, by the time they enter the living realm once more, they'll be a dead carcass who ran out of lifespan but...

Was Oblivion a normal lifeform...

With one lifeform back at the forest that could be titled 'Oblivion'... If he were to die, well, he'll technically simply be restarting life.

There wasn't much difference between himself and his clones. The only difference was, one was the creator while the other was the creation but... if the creator died the creation becomes the creator.

It wasn't like with Saber where things were... well, chaotic. Every Oblivion had the same intention and goals...


In the five months which have passed, and with the deaths of the clones stored in his space ring, all their comprehension in Oblivion/Nothingness was added to Oblivion's insights, allowing his base to constantly rise and eventually surpass the limits of the first level of the Earth Immortal realm.

Though one can say that the Earth Immortal realm, a realm where one's power could merely destroy celestial bodies in mass, was fairly weak in the Universe and Existence on whole...

If one was to mention the True Earth Immortal realm which people like Saber had once been in, where, at the peak of this realm, they were able to compare their strength with those in the Profound Immortal realm, then it'll be a different story yet...

Even True Earth Immortals couldn't compare to an Earth Immortal... An Earth Immortal of Oblivion's race as the only ones who could compare were those from outside this...

"With this, I've finally understood the workings of my path of cultivation, and how to go about this!"

Landing on his feet, elegantly, Oblivion approached the glass doors that opened on their own, revealing a balcony that he stood on and observed the outside world.

"With the memories of my counterpart's clones, it was light work to figure out how this cultivation system works... According to the memories, how much and what type of beasts and humans were exterminated, and the insights they each brought..."

Reaching this point, Oblivion paused as he observed the unbelievably large waterfall the ship he resided in approached.

This was the barrier of the Heavenly Mystic Domain's Inner Sector!


Oblivion continued...

"Annihilating ten Earth Immortal Beasts would allow me to take one step in that weird realm I enter when comprehending Nothingness while merely one Earth Immortal Human would equate to the same." He said...

"Pseudo Profound Immortal Beasts, one would give me two steps and for Humans of the same realm, each one would allow me to take five steps. But, the most note-worthy thing was the Profound Immortal creatures..."

A smile formed on Oblivion's face as he thought of the tens of Profound Immortals he was soo close to on this ship...

"From Low-Level Earth Immortal to a Mid-Level Earth Immortal, I simply needed to take fifty steps and it was the same from Mid-Level to High-Level... But, to enter the Second Level of the Earth Immortal realm, it took five hundred steps..."

Oblivion mumbled under his breath, "Luckily, these beautiful people in the Profound Immortal realm, plotted against me and offered themselves, allowing me to kill them and thereby allowing me to take two hundred steps. Each one gives a hundred. As for those Profound Immortal beasts that my clone's clones killed, they allowed for ten steps..."

Humming to himself while his memories replayed some tunes back when he was Saber and in the world of Humans who did not know of cultivation, Oblivion's thoughts churned with a smirk on his face. He was in a good mood because he still had quite a few clones if he so wanted to increase his cultivation base but...

With this increase by a whole realm and not just a small realm, like for example low-level to mid-level, Oblivion was confident in his strength. He still needed a few of his clones too, just in case he ends up battling everyone on the ship at the same time...

He'll be too busy with those Pseudo Golden Immortals and the over one hundred Profound Immortals would be too much even for him to handle... hence, the reason for his counterpart's appearance and the clones of his counterpart.

While they deal with those pesky Profound Immortals, he'll deal with the Pseudo Golden Immortals.

[Name: Oblivion...]


[Race: Blank]

[Lifespan: Infinite]

[Bloodline Awakening: 0.2%]

[Elemental Comprehension: 0.2%]

[Physique: Void Physique]

[Abilities: Regeneration, Annihilation, Negation]

[Regeneration: Increased Healing]

[Annihilation: Those killed by Oblivion return to Oblivion]

[Negation: Oblivion is invulnerable to elemental attacks below Peak Level 6 Profound Immortal (Warning: Physical attacks can still harm Oblivion]

[Power Level: Level 2 Low-Level Earth Immortal]

[Pure Combat Power: Level 6 Peak Profound Immortal]

[True Undying Body Art: Null]

Yes, and even with a combat power comparable to a Level 6 Profound Immortal, Oblivion was still confident in dealing with those Pseudo Profound Immortals.

There wasn't any particular reason for it... Well, besides the little long blade katana sheathed on his waist, itching to consume the blood of Profound Immortals once more so it could increase its tier once more.

After all, his comprehension was comparable to Saber's even increasing every time he increase his insights into Nothingness. His potential was insane and ever since he was 'reborn' there seemed to lack of any limits.

With the constant battles against Profound Immortal Beasts in the forest, his clones utilized the disadvantage they face and turned it into an advantage.

Because of their slightly weaker prowess in terms of brute force compared to Oblivion's counterpart, the Beasts would have proven a headache to deal with if not for their insights into the way of the sword which constantly evolved every battle they underwent.

All that insights... It was Oblivion's now. Well, technically not all since he had left a few alone in his space ring along with his counterpart.

"Anyway, I, Oblivion, call myself the most careful person!"




Inside the wheelhouse of this insanely huge ship, seven figures stood gazing through the glass in front of them and observing the barrier they were about to pass through.

Out of the seven, one, in particular, seemed to be extremely aggressive. He had a scar from his left brow to his right cheek across his nose bridge. His spiky red hair and cold brown eyes only added to this aggressive demeanor.

"City Lord... Explain to me once more why we bothered to bring soo much waste with us...?" His rough voice sharply resounded in the pilothouse as the City Lord lightly smiled.

"In the Inner Sector, there're many unknowns, it's good to have some useful pawns to take the fall in case there is to be an unknown situation... or, do you want to be the one to be sacrificed if we enter a life and death situation?!"