Heavenly Mystic Domain: Inner Sector (8)

Somewhere else, a pair of scarlet eyes own by a figure who seemingly led tens of figures behind him deeper into the forest, with what seemed to be a tablet device that beeped at times.

"We're close, I presume that in a few weeks the radar will be able to sense it...!" He said while thinking, 'In a few weeks, even Golden Immortals wouldn't have the capability to scare me!!'

"Ben... It's been three days since Xavier contacted us, do you think-!" Suddenly, a figure appeared next to the City Lord. She had short black hair and a pair of scarlet eyes similar to that of Benjamin.

"Yes, most likely, that brat was able to kill him but before you get all worked up, I'd already made it clear that he was to use 'that' technique if he lost."

"Right now, that Oblivion kid should be a corpse... No, he can't even be considered a corpse." Benjamin said with a wicked smirk on his face.

"But Ben... He already shocked us once. We can't underestimate him... He already used some secret to fight and even kill a Pseudo Golden Immortal, who's to say he didn't survive...?"

Hearing his sister's concern, the City Lord sighed. His sister was simply too cautious but since it was his sister's words...

"Okay, I'll send George the last location of Xavier when he was alive. He'll investigate the battlefield... or what's left of it, and if possible, find the remains of that group. Hopefully, that'll satisfy you right?"

Nodding to the words of her older brother, she then left to rejoin the group behind but, not before being on the receiving end of a couple of head pats by the City Lord which caused her to cutely pout and for a chuckle to escape the City Lord.


Seeing her leave, Benjamin clicked his tongue in annoyance.

'That bitch... Now, it'll take even longer to get the treasure in the south which, according to the information, is the second most important part of this Top Tier Treasure... Hmph! If it weren't for my bloody parents, I'd have killed this bitch already!...'

His expression was ugly but well hidden. No one was able to perceive his drastic change in mood as the image of the perfectly calm and righteous City Lord remained intact in the minds of the Profound Immortals who were currently listening to his orders like slaves.

Profound Immortals who were blinded by the greed felt by the promised rewards of the City Lord using the 'Oath' as his word.



Inside a massive castle created from what seemed to be Ice alone, in the Throne Room, lying on top of a large bed was the body of a boy with short white hair.

Unlike the last time, the boy's eyes were closed as he rested with a peaceful expression on his exquisitely carved face.

Yet, even though his face was seemingly peaceful, it wasn't the case for his body. His right chest had a wound stretching across it while the left chest... it was missing, his heart nowhere to be seen.


Suddenly, the doors for the Throne Room blasted open. A young man skidded across the surface of the room on his back as he crashed into the ice stairs that led to the Throne.


"Bastard! Woman, do you know who I am...!!"

Getting up to his feet, he shouted to the mysterious silhouette that entered the Throne Room right after as visible anger was on his face.

This woman, the veiled otherworldly beauty who had previously taken the body of the white-haired boy, pointed at her eyes as her cold and aloof voice resonated with her surroundings.

"Do these eyes seem like they care if you're the son of some Human Emperor? So what of it if your father is a Prime Immortal, I don't give a fuck!!"

Foul words exited her mouth as her aura stifled the young man clad in exquisite clothing beaming in anger. Never had he experienced such humiliation.


But, what can he possibly do?

Every Golden Immortal who guarded him was soo easily killed by this veiled woman and him who was barely a Pseudo-Golden Immortal by relying on pills had not even the slimmest of chances to escape this psycho.

"W...What do you want...?" He cautiously asked. If his threats couldn't work then, there was only one way to survive, and that was to somehow satisfy the needs of this woman.

His father was a high-ranking member of the Human race, so it was obvious that he carried around quite a bit of treasure that would make even Golden Immortals blue with envy.

He was at least confident to pay for his life...

"Look. Tell me, what is wrong with him? After all, you are the son of a very High-ranking Human so your knowledge is admirable..." She said as the young man turned his gaze finally taking in the size of this Throne Room made completely of ice.

On top of a platform next to the massive throne was a large bed where a humanoid figure rested.

Glancing at the veiled woman, he then carefully approached the figure. Appearing in front of the laying bare-chested boy, he took in a breath of cold air.

'Wow...! What is unfair, this is... While I'm not the most attractive of the Human race, I'm not half bad but this...' Seeing the white-haired boy, his mind had frozen for a second. It wasn't a sexual attraction but simply respect for such unfair levels of allure.

Seeing the wounds and injuries, he took another cold breath of air wondering, 'Hmm, these injuries, clearly he should be dead already yet he's breathing.' While thinking this, he saw the white blood that dripped from the gaping hole in the boy's chest.

'So he's a half Human, and whatever Bloodline besides Human, it is even more dominant than that of us Humans since it can overwrite the Human blood...!' He thought.

Placing his hand on the area of the wound on the boy's chest, he closed his eyes ready to analyze what was the issue the veiled woman spoke of but...


His eyes shot open in shock as he darted his gaze at the woman before carefully saying.

"From what I see, it seemed like this person battled a Space Cultivator who was skilled enough to infuse the space element into his attacks."

"The skin on his body, even if it wanted to regenerate, due to the space laws, can never reattach itself. But, you're strong enough to see this..."

Before he could finish though, "Oh! So it was like this...!!" The veiled woman exclaimed in surprise and understanding, confusing the young man even more.

According to his knowledge, someone like the veiled woman who was soo strong should have been able to see this. As if seeing his confusion...

"Well, a mere Space Cultivator hasn't ever been able to harm me so I've not experienced something such as this before."


As she said this, her figure appeared next to the white-haired boy as she waved her hand, a blue light enshrouding the boy as whatever energies harmed or restrained his body dispersed.

Right after, the blue energy disappeared as the eyes of the veiled woman and the young man bulged in utter shock as to what took place right after.

Though Immortal cultivators could regenerate, not at a speed where one would see their bodies healing at a rate visible to the naked eye yet, what was happening in front of their eyes, defied all their commonsense!