Heavenly Mystic Domain: Inner Sector (End)

"The Humans, Demons, and all other races who cultivate, they all search for strength while causing unnecessary chaos wherever they please. They do anything for strength, even harming people they are attached to, to get stronger. They love strength, they're obsessed with it, and they want nothing more than to live large, as conquerors, rulers, and so-called Gods."

The owner of a pair of large pitch-black eyes stared at a beautiful ice-blue rose in his hand as he spoke in an emotionless and monotone voice with a veiled woman who sat in a meditative position in a bed of ice-blue roses.

They both sat while leaning their backs on one another as if they were fairly familiar with the other as the veiled woman simply closed her eyes and listened to another one of the white-haired boy's many ramblings.

"Cecelia, I do not wish for strength. Every member of my race is just like me, we have one goal and we were chosen to finish that one goal. It is a goal to return everything to how it once was, a goal to return everything to nothing. And we, who were chosen, would be lucky enough to live in this glorious sea of nothing, in peace for eternity."

Cecelia, the veiled woman closed her eyes and began meditating. In the past week after listening to Oblivion's words, she had found herself gaining bouts of enlightenment into her element now and then. Though it'll last for a short while, it was still something that made her gob-smacked forcing her to look at Oblivion with a different light.

He was simply too mysterious...

"Imagine, no one would scorn the other... No one would hate each other... No one would harm each other... No one would have ill intentions toward anything... The desire to grow stronger would not be needed since everyone lives in peace... With everlasting life and not even a single threat heading our way, it would be paradise... Eternal peace, how beautiful...!"

Oblivion uttered with a calm smile on his face. For him who had been killing others in hopes of gaining strength, it wasn't to suppress others, instead, it was to free them.

He didn't kill because he liked killing... It wasn't as if he did not like killing others either... He simply didn't feel anything for other beings besides those of his race, the people who, in his mind, in the future, he'll spend an eternity with!...

"Poor little Oblivion, do you understand what you're saying? If one is to live for eternity, without any desire for anything, they'll go crazy. It may not happen in a year, ten years, one million years, one billion years, or quintillions of years but eventually, one's mind would break. Do you think one is born without emotions and desires? Imagine living in a place where there is solely nothing, you look left, right, up, down, in your front or back, there isn't anything besides an indefinite black space and you're unable to perceive anything... Can you, Oblivion, maintain reasoning in such a place for eternity?!"

Releasing a sigh, Cecelia tried to understand Oblivion's way of thinking, yet still failed. Even if she had gained some sort of insight into her element, she had some sort of worry for this person who didn't seem all that right in his mind.

This person, hearing Cecelia's words, turned around while lightly grabbing Cecelia's chin as the duo's eyes met, his large and unnaturally pitch-black eyes staring into Cecelia's light blue azure eyes.

What grasped Cecelia's attention though... It was the pair of pitch-black pupils that took up most of his eyes as only the corners of his sclera showed the usual whiteness.

Cecelia, no matter how much she stared into them, was unable to perceive the usual emotions of Humans... No, simple living lifeforms had a certain glimmer to their eyes but, Oblivion's eyes failed to contain such light as if he was already dead as if there was nothing, no emotion, no desire, absolute nothingness.

"Maintain reason...? What is reason?... It seems the emotions and desires that Humans and other lifeforms plague the world with have affected your mind. Do you know what reasoning is supposed to be like, or if the reasoning is actually reasoning and simply not just a concept the Humans and other lifeforms created? It is like this flaw with Humans and other races, what is good and what is bad. What is good for Demons, it is bad for Humans, now tell me, oh, Cecelia, what is the reasoning you speak of...?!"

Silence instantly descended. Cecelia lightly smiled under her veil... She had never thought of this. It was words that caused her to feel her willpower waver for a moment.

Elegantly standing to her feet, she turned her back to Oblivion and levitated into the air heading toward the massive Ice Castle a few thousand miles away but, not without leaving behind some words that would shake Oblivion's mind just like how he shook hers.

"For a race that seems to be soo adamant in striving for one goal like returning everything to this nothingness you speak of, for such a race that seemingly lacks emotions and Human desires, is it not weird that you've come into this world? I'm sure your parents are also members of this 'perfect' race yet, they were overcome by the desire called lust, which end up creating you...!"


Oblivion's pitch-black eyes shrunk. For the first time, he was left in pure shock by the words of someone. This too, from someone he didn't even know much about. But, the past of this person didn't spark any curiosity as Oblivion's mind was filled with shock and confusion.

He needed to calm his thinking quickly as he did not want to end up like Red Eye Berserker, with a broken will and thereafter losing one's cultivation, though, he wasn't even sure if such a thing applied to him.



While this happened, somewhere in the red sand desert that separated the East, North, and Central region of this land, a group of twenty, led by a tall and imposing figure clad in silvery armor that radiated with mysterious energy, soon approached the snowy lands located on the East.


The imposing man in silver armor thought with a grin on his face. In his sight was a land of snow and frigidness, a mere step again and he would leave this god-forsaken place that gave even him the creeps.

'Hehe... That bastard Benjamin, ordering me around like a dog! Although he could have simply made those in the North who were much closer, come and investigate, he instead chose me and all because of his bitch sister that I slept with just once!!'


While thinking back to that time, his overall handsome face degraded as a disgusting smile surfaced on his face.


'But, anyway, it's not as if I fear you anymore. I didn't tell you but...' Gazing at the palm of his hands, the silvery armor that released a glimmering light, the reflection of the sun in the red sand desert, he uttered under his breath.

"This treasure that you wanted so badly, I've already gotten it. And the reason for even listening to you, if my luck is good, and I find the treasure located in this region, hehe... When that happens, let's see if you dare play arrogant in front of me... Haha, I'll enjoy your sister's body while you watch!"

Perverted thoughts enveloped his mind as his aura and battle intent rose to great heights.